2021.02.15 - Special Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Special Meeting
The Board of Directors
Clarinda Community School District


A Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of Clarinda Community School District was held Monday, February 15, 2021, beginning at 4:00 PM in the McKinley Central Office for Board Members and Zoom for Public (Link found on district website under Menu - District Office - Zoom Link).


1. Call to Order
President Jones called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m.

2. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

3. Roll Call
The following board members were present: President Jones, Vice President Pulliam (via Zoom), Bergren (via Zoom), and Meyer (via Zoom). Absent - Sunderman.

4. Audience to Visitor
President Jones welcomed all visitors to the meeting.

5. Approval of Agenda
A motion was made by Meyer, seconded by Bergren, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.

6. Consider Consent Agenda Items
A motion was made by Bergren, seconded by Pulliam, to approve the consent agenda items. Motion carried 4-0.
6.1 Approve Minutes of the February 10, 2021 Regular Meeting

7. Recognition and Reports
7.1 Superintendent
      Mrs. Bergman highlighted three things – boys basketball verses Underwood tonight at 6:00; Tuesday is a student snow day due to cold temperatures but staff will have a
learning day; and staff had a scheduled professional learning today as well.

8. New Business
8.1 Consider Approving Voucher Resolution
      A motion was made by Meyer, seconded by Bergren, to approve the Voucher Resolution No. 2021-01 Opposing the Iowa Legislature SF, 159: WHEREAS, there is pending
before Iowa Legislature to consider enacting SF 159, a scholarship fund for the purpose of enacting educational savings accounts or vouchers, expanded open
       enrollment leading to 
segregation and expanded tax credits and, expanded charter schools that can open in a school district without the locally elected school board’s consent.
       Motion carried 4-0.

8.2 Consider Approving the Second and Final Reading of the IASB Policy Primers
      A motion was made by Bergren, seconded by Meyer, to approve the second and final reading of the IASB policy primer changes and additions of the attached policies as
       presented on the 
agenda.  Motion carried 4-0.

8.3 Consider Approving the Second and Final Reading of the 600 Series of Policy
      A motion was made by Bergren, seconded by Pulliam, to approve the second and final reading of the 600 Series Policy. Motion carried 4-0.

9. Meeting Announcements:
9.1 Our next regular meeting is on Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. in the Boardroom at McKinley and via Zoom.  

10. Adjournment
A motion was made by Pulliam, seconded by Meyer, to adjourn the meeting at 4:12 p.m. Motion carried 4-0.