2022.04.28 - Teacher Quality Agenda - postponed until July

Agenda: Teacher Quality Committee

TQ$ Committee: Kim Williams, Rita DeGroot, Mike Smith, Luke Cox, Lesley Ehlers, and Lance Ridgely. 

April 28, 2022, 3:45 p.m. at Central Office (McKinley)

- Teacher Quality Committee Guidance per Iowa Code 284.4
- Review Responsibilities of the Teacher Quality Committee (State of Iowa Guidance Attached and/or Summary*)
- August 2022 Professional Learning
   - Co-Creation of viable structures and learning connected to district goals
       - LETRS
- Set spring meeting for TQ decision-making for 2023-2024
- Other

*Determined use and distribution of PL funds should be "balanced" with the three overall levels of professional development plans: district, attendance center, and individual. It is recommended that a majority of the money go to district and attendance center plans. This is based on the research that shows the professional development most likely to improve student achievement is a collective-team effort, data-driven, frequent, and sustained over time and connects pedagogy, content, and students.