2019.05.08 - Regular Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Regular Meeting
May 8, 2019

The Board of Directors
Clarinda Community School District


A Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Clarinda Community School District was held Wednesday, May 8, 2019, beginning at 4:00 PM in the McKinley Central Office.



Call to Order
President Jones called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm.



Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.



Roll Call
The following board members were present: President Jones, Vice President Bond, Meyer, Pulliam and Sunderman.



Audience to Visitors
President Jones welcomed all visitors to the meeting. 
Brad Richards gave concerns about the district going with TOC and the affects on the substitute teachers.



Approval of Agenda
A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Meyer, to approve the agenda.  Motion carried 5-0.



Consider Consent Agenda Items
A motion was made by Bond, seconded by Sunderman, to approve the consent agenda items. Motion carried 5-0.


6. 1.

Approve minutes of the April 10, 2019 regular meeting.


6. 2.

Approve minutes of the April 15, 2019 special meeting


6. 3.

Approve minutes of the May 2, 2019 special meeting


6. 4.

Approve special education contracts


6. 5.

Approve Bills
Director Meyer reviewed the bills and found them in order. Mr. Montgomery reported meals can only be charged on Pcards when travel is overnight. Otherwise, meal reimbursements need to be run through payroll.


6. 6.

Approve /deny open enrollment requests


6. 7.

Approve public sale or disposal of district assets


6. 8.

Approve increasing food service procurement threshold to $50,000


6. 9.

Approve operational sharing agreement with Greenhills AEA for .20 social worker


6. 10.

Approve resignation from Susan Wedemeyer as assistant girls track coach effective with the end of the contract days


6. 11.

Approve resignation from Marcia Sunderman as high school teacher effective with the end of the contract day


6. 12.

Approve resignation from Susan Wedemeyer as middle school teacher effective with the end of the contract days


6. 13.

Approve recommendation to hire Will Baumann as middle school boys basketball coach 


6. 14.

Approve recommendation to hire Jane Mayer as wrestling cheer coach 


6. 15.

Approve recommendation to hire Haley Weis as National Honor Society sponsor


6. 16.

Approve recommendation to hire Kenzie Huntley as elementary teacher


6. 17.

Approve recommendation to hire Jackson Kelley as middle school teacher


6. 18.

Approve recommendation to hire Shana Iles as special education teacher


6. 19.

Approve recommendation to hire Daniel Happe as high school English teacher



Recognition & Reports


7. 1.

Financial Reports
Mr. Montgomery reported on the finances. A CD at the bank for $100,000 is up for renewal May 26; district will cash it out and roll into savings account to earn more interest.


7. 2.

Staff Recognition
President Jones recognized three retiring staff: Barbara Garrett (middle school secretary), Joelene Carper (business teacher), and Shirley Foster (food service assistant). They have a combined 82 years of service; the district appreciates and thanks them for their service.


7. 3.

Board Recognition
Mr. Stender recognized and thanked the board for their time and service to the district.


7. 4.

Elementary School Principal
Erin Kirsch reported on Mindfulness, which she researched for her masters. When students have the right tools to succeed socially and emotionally, they can focus more on academics. When they learn to self-regulate their emotions and behaviors, they have stronger peer relations and continue it through school and life.  She worked with her kindergarten class for four weeks. Results included using techniques not only at school but also at home. Mrs. Kirsch is recommending Mindfulness for others and she will continue it next year.

Ms. Opperman reported that in the fall staff will be meeting back to back days to support math curriculum and social/emotional issues. She’s appreciative for the partnership with the hospital for the back pack food program.  PBIS is working; she’s seeing more focus on prevention and practice, which is leading to less office referrals. Several staff members and herself went to elementary schools in Liberty, MO to observe classes and she has also observed a kindergarten class in Creston that uses iPad/technology.


7. 5.

Mr. Stender reported board appreciation, teacher appreciation and nurse appreciation is this month. All staff appreciation will be May 31. Mrs. Vanden Bosch received Lakin Award. SAVE was extended to 2059. He encouraged board to send thank yous to our representatives for work they have done. The district and AEA have created a cohort to blend technology and instruction together in the classroom. Staff and student surveys will be sent out the week of May 13 for future district planning. Administration continues to meet with South Page to negotiate agreements. Districts will be sharing teachers and our district is adding more courses to our curriculum. Graduation is May 19. Last night at high school an estimate of $127,000 was given to seniors in scholarships.


7. 5. 1.

Teachers On Call
TOC eliminates paper and administration/secretarial time.  District will spend more money but save time.  A concern is loosing substitutes.


7. 5. 2.

Proposed student code of conduct
Mr. Porter has worked with staff to develop a code of conduct that reflects high expectations and accountability for all activities.  He’s also worked with H-10 conference activity directors to research a code of conduct to guide our activities. An infraction will impact the student’s next season of activity.


7. 6.

SIAC Committee
The SIAC Committee met on Wednesday, May 1 to review district initiatives.  Director Sunderman & Mr. Stender were in attendance. Positive comments were given concerning the 5th/6th classroom containment.


7. 7.

Strategic Plan
The district continues to implement its strategic plan.


7. 8.

District Goals 2018-2019
The district is working to achieve the goals.


7. 9.

Board Correspondence
Bond – This is her last meeting. Some of her highlights include: progression of TLC; expanding technology; PBIS being implemented; facility planning; curriculum changes; school culture; and testing. The special highlight has been strategic planning. Thank you for allowing her to serve; it’s been challenging and rewarding.
Jones – The 8th grade band went to Worlds of Fun and received first place. The High School band received one rating at contest Saturday. The Brokaw FFA was recognized as supreme national chapter with gold rating. The 8th grade boys track and high school boys tennis teams are both H-10 champs. Documentaries from Riley Hunziker and Chase McAndrews made finals for NHD; good job to them.  Congratulations to Mrs. Vanden Bosch. There are lots of good things happening in our district.
Meyer - Congratulations to Mrs. Vanden Bosch. She attended awards last night and awesome seeing so many recipients. Good job kids and staff who support them.
Pulliam – She appreciates the school posts on social media so community can see what is happening. The 8th grade boys track are conference champs. She attended spring choir concert; Ms. Grimm is doing good job. FFA students are talented and did well at state conference.
Sunderman – Congratulations to Mrs. Vanden Bosch; she does a great job.



New Business


8. 1.

Consider approving 2019 graduates
A motion was made by Meyer, seconded by Bond, to approve the 2019 graduates pending successful completion of the graduation requirements as set forth by the Board of Education. Motion carried 5-0.


8. 2.

Consider approving Clarinda Foundation Grant applications supporting district programs
A motion was made by Pulliam, seconded by Meyer, to approve district applications and matching contributions for Clarinda Foundation Grants. Motion carried 5-0.


8. 3.

Consider approving the DOE Guidelines for Activities
A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Meyer, to approve DOE Guidelines for Activities.  Motion carried 5-0.



Meeting Announcements:
Please note the schedule of meetings and contact Mr. Stender with any questions.


9. 1.

Our next regular meeting is on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. in the Board Room at McKinley



A motion was made by Bond, seconded by Sunderman, to adjourn the meeting at 5:26 pm.  Motion carried 5-0.