2019.01.21 - Negotiations Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Negotiations with Clarinda Education Association
January 21, 2019

The Board of Directors
Clarinda Community School District


A Negotiations with Clarinda Education Association of the Board of Directors of Clarinda Community School District was held Monday, January 21, 2019, beginning at 4:30 PM in the McKinley Central Office.



Call Negotiations Meeting to Order 
President Jones called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm.



Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.



Roll Call
The following board members were present: President Jones, Vice President Bond, Meyer, Pulliam and Sunderman.



Open Negotiations 
The following Clarinda Education Association members were identified as members of the CEA negotiations team: Dave Carper, Mike Smith, Kim Williams, and Anne Morrison. Mr. Carper presented concerns from the staff. The board suggested these be discussed in the handbook committee meeting next week.
The initial proposal from the CEA was as follows:

  • Increase base pay by $1035 at a total package of 5.80%
  • Allow vertical and horizontal steps
  • Want to add to the handbook 6 paid holidays (Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day, Easter Sunday and Memorial Day)
  • Ask for this school year, 2018-19, that staff not make up snow days (up to four days) and drop the last professional development day.



Consider closed session in accordance with Iowa code section 20.17(3) to conduct negotiations strategy
A motion was made by Bond, seconded by Pulliam, to go into closed session in accordance with Iowa Code 20.17(3) to conduct negotiations strategy. A roll call vote was taken: Jones Aye; Bond Aye; Meyer Aye; Pulliam Aye; Sunderman Aye. The motion passed on a unanimous vote and the Board entered into closed session at 5:08pm.

President Jones declared the Board back in open session at 6:02 pm.



Calendar discussion
No discussion or action taken.



TAG discussion
Ms. Opperman, Mr. Henely and Mrs. Green presented a TAG proposal for changes. Reasons for reconstructing include current program is one-size fits all, need to identify students in Kindergarten through twelfth grades, students need to be evaluated and served in identified areas, parents are asking for structure change, and administration is identifying a need for improvement with seamless transitions for students. If the plan is implemented, communication will be done with students and parents along with professional development for staff. The proposed model includes staffing, how to qualify for TAG, individual student plans, communication plan for parents, and professional development for all K-12 grade teachers.  Emily Thompson would be assigned to K-4th TAG and keep PK-4th grade STEAM along with 5th/6th coding/STEAM classes and contests for K-4th grades. Linda Vanden Bosch would be assigned to 5th-12th TAG along with MS Leadership Classes, MS STEAM/Lego Classes, MS and HS Robotics Classes, HS Debate Team and contests for MS and HS students.  



AP Discussion
Mrs. Green has met with staff to discuss AP curriculum and develop courses. AP courses will be offered onsite and online. In May syllabuses will be submitted to AP Board for approval; AP Board will work with staff if changes are needed. Courses will be ready for August and will be offered throughout the year. Students and staff will meet together to determine if AP courses will meet the student’s need. Staff will will apply for AP grant and take training in June.  




A motion was made by Bond, seconded by Sunderman, to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 pm.  Motion carried 5-0.