2022.06.22 - Regular Board Minutes

Minutes of Regular Meeting
June 22, 2022
The Board of Directors
Clarinda Community School District


A Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Clarinda Community School District was held Wednesday, June 22, 2022, beginning at 6:00 PM in the PK-6 Building Library.


1. Call to Order
President Sunderman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

2. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

3. Roll Call
The following Board members were present: President Sunderman, Vice President Bergren, Boysen, Honeyman, and Jones.

4. Audience to Visitors
President Sunderman welcomed all visitors to the meeting.

5. Approval of Agenda
A motion was made by Bergren, seconded by Honeyman, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.     

6. Consider Consent Agenda Items
A motion was made by Jones, seconded by Bergren, to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried 5-0.

6.1 Approve Minutes of the June 8, 2022 Regular Meeting
6.2 Approve Minutes of the June 13, 2022 Special Meeting
6.3 Approve Bills
6.4 Approve Recommendations to Transfer for 2022-2023 School Year
      Stephanie Sunderman from Student Paraprofessional to Library Assistant Paraprofessional
6.5 Approve Resignations
      Sonia Morrison, IT Director, effective end of 2021-22 school year

      Deitrich Engstrand, Paraprofessional, effective July 8, 2022

7. Recognition and Reports
7.1 Finance Report
      Mrs. Maxwell and Mrs. McKinnon presented an overview of the 2020-21 finances and audit.
7.2 Administrator Report
       Mr. Ridgely reported on HF2589 regarding open enrollment and no deadlines.  The district insurance agent will ask EMC to review the experience modifier for the workers        compensation.
7.3 Board Correspondence
      Jones is excited that CCSD gets to host district baseball games this season.
      Sunderman thanked Mr. Ridgely for his services the past two months.

8. New Business
8.1 Discuss and Consider Approving Interactive Flat Panels Purchase
A motion was made by Bergren, seconded by Boysen, to approve the purchase of interactive flat panels for $27,467.71 from Bluum. Motion carried 5-0.

8.2 Discuss and Consider Approving 2022-2023 Licensed Staff Handbook
A motion was made by Jones, seconded by Honeyman, to approve the 2022-2023 Licensed Staff Handbook. Motion carried 5-0.

8.3 Discuss and Consider Approving 2022-2023 Classified Staff Handbook
A motion was made by Honeyman, seconded by Bergren, to approve the 2022-2023 Classified Staff Handbook. Motion carried 5-0.

8.4 Discuss and Consider Approving the 2022-2023 Student Handbooks
A motion was made by Bergren, seconded by Honeyman, to approve the PK-6 and 7-12 Building student handbooks for the 2022-23 school year. Motion carried 5-0.

8.5 Discuss and Consider Approving the Second and Final Reading of Policy 802.4, Capital Assets
A motion was made by Bergren, seconded by Boysen, to approve the second and final reading of policy 802.4, Capital Assets. Motion carried 5-0.

8.6 Discuss and Consider Approving a Donation
A motion was made by Boysen, seconded by Honeyman, to approve the $100 from the Class of 1970. Motion carried 5-0.

8.7 Discuss and Consider Approving Renewing Agreement with Grandma’s House
A motion was made by Bergren, seconded by Jones, to approve renewing the agreement with Grandma’s House from July 2022 to June 2023. Motion carried 5-0.

8.8 Discuss and Consider Approving the Shared Personnel Agreement with Stanton for School Business Manager
A motion was made by Jones, seconded by Bergren, to approve the shared personnel agreement with Stanton for the school business manager for the 2022-2023 school year.
Motion carried 5-0.

8.9 Consider Approving Page County Fair Partnership Agreement
A motion was made by Bergren, seconded by Honeyman, to approve the Page County Fair Partnership Agreement. Motion carried 5-0.

8.10 Discuss and Consider Approving District Special Education Plan
A motion was made by Bergren, seconded by Honeyman, to approve the District Special Education Plan for the 2022-2023 school year. Motion carried 5-0.

8.11 Discuss and Consider Approving SiteLogiQ as Program Management Firm
A motion was made by Honeyman, seconded by Bergren, to approve SiteLogiQ as the district’s Facilities Program Management Firm. Motion carried 5-0.

8.12 Discuss and Consider Approving the Fiscal Year 2021 District Audit
A motion was made by Bergren, seconded by Jones, to approve the FY21 district audit. Motion carried 5-0.  

8.13 Discuss and Consider Approving Resolution to Transfer General Funds to Activity
A motion was made by Honeyman, seconded by Bergren, to approve the resolution to transfer $12,879.94 from the general fund into the activity fund for the 2021-2022 school
year. Motion carried 5-0.

8.14 Discuss and Consider Approving 2022 Graduate List
A motion was made by Honeyman, seconded by Bergren, to approve the 2022 graduates pending successful completion of the graduation requirements as set forth by the Board of  Education. Motion carried 5-0.

8.15 Discuss and Consider Approving Crain Construction to Remove Portable
A motion was made by Bergren, seconded by Jones, to approve the bid from Crain Construction for $6500 to remove the existing portable. Motion carried 5-0.

9. Meeting Announcements
    9.1 A regular meeting will be on Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. in the 7-12 Library.
    9.2 A regular meeting will be on Wednesday, July 27, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in the 7-12 Library.

10. Adjournment
A motion was made by Jones, seconded by Bergren, to adjourn the meeting at 6:58 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.


Darin Sunderman                          Nancy Fulk-McKinnon
Board President                                Board Secretary