2021.07.14 - Regular Meeting Agenda

2021.07.14 - Regular Meeting Agenda

Clarinda Community School District
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, July 14, 2021 at 4:00 PM
McKinley Central Office


1. Call to Order
The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary.  The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode.  This may be a good time to introduce any special guests.
1. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room.
2. A sign-in sheet is located at the table at the side of the room. All guests are asked to sign it to show attendance.
3. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room.
4. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.

2. Pledge of Allegiance
The President will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Roll Call
The President will ask for roll call.

4. Audience to Visitors
The President will ask the audience if they have any comments on the items on the agenda. This gives the public the opportunity to comment on agenda items prior to Board decisions/actions. Each community member wanting to comment to the board will be granted two minutes to speak. Please be prepared to give your name and address. The Board will listen to public comment and in accordance with district policy 213 and direct questions to the superintendent or the appropriate staff.

5. Approval of Agenda
If members have items to be added to the agenda, now is the time. If you have items that you want removed from the agenda, or removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion, make the request at this time. The President will call for a motion and second to approve the agenda.

 6. Consider Consent Agenda Items
The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for the vote.
6.1 Approve Minutes of the June 23, 2021 Regular Meeting

6.2 Approve Minutes of the June 23, 2021 Work Session

6.3 Approve Bills
6.4 Approve Open Enrollment Requests for 2021-2022 School Year
      In accordance with Iowa Code, administration recommends approving the open Enrollment requests. These requests are for the 2021-2022 school year.
      Open Enrollment into the district 2021-2022: 1 – South Page, kindergarten (Axel Johnson)
      Open Enrollment out of the district 2021-2022: 1 – Bedford, eleventh grade (Megan Everett)
6.5 Approve Recommendations to Hire for 2021-2022 School Year
      Administration is requesting to hire for the 2021-2022 school year. Please accept the following recommendations to meet district staffing needs: 
      James McCalla as Custodian for the 2021-2022 school year
      H.T. Adams as Activities Director for the 2021-2022 school year   
      Dietrich Engstrand as 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach
      Zach Goering as Assistant High School Girls Basketball Coach
6.6 Approve Position Transfer for 2021-2022 School Year
      Administration is requesting these transfers for the 2021-2022 school year. Please accept the following recommendations to meet district staffing needs:
      Julia Harris from Paraprofessional to Food Service
      Nancy McKinnon from Administrative Assistant to Director of Finance     
      Jason Gordon from Alternative High School Instructor to 7-12 Health Teacher
      Sara Honnold from At-Risk Coordinator to 7-12 School Counselor
      Matt Bird from 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach to 8th Grade Girls Basketball Coach
6.7 Approve the Resignation for the 2021-2022 School Year
      Curtis Maassen as Middle School Football Coach

 7. Recognition and Reports
The President will call for recognition and reports as identified on the agenda.
7.1 Finance Report
      Finance Report    Nutrition Report  Salary Letter

7.2 CCSD Committee Reports  
7.3 Superintendent
7.4 Principal Report
7.5 Board Correspondence

8. New Business
8.1 Consider Approving 2021-2022 Dairy, Bakery, and Bread Bids
      The district annually seeks competitive bids for dairy, bakery, and bread products. Co-Food Service Directors, Traci DeBolt and Joyce Johansen, organize and manage the
process and have submitted the attached recommendation for dairy, bread and bakery items. They recommend A&E and Pan O’Gold be awarded the contracts based
      on competitive 
bidding and vendor satisfaction. At the May 12 meeting the Board approved the AEA purchasing agreement and at the time AEA was still waiting for bids for
      Food and Ware 
Wash and Small Equipment. AEA has awarded the bids to Martin Brothers and Rapids Wholesale.

      Approve awarding the 2021-2022 dairy bid to A&E, and the bakery and bread bid to Pan O’Gold.

8.2 Consider Approving the Renewal License and Services Agreement with Filament Essential Services
      Filament Essential Services (SOCS – Simplified Online Communication System) provides website services, support, texting services and domain registrations. IT
      recommends this 
      Renewal     Advantage      Tools and Features
      Approve the renewal license and services agreement with Filament Essential Services for $4058 for the 2021-2022 school year.

8.3 Consider Approving Page County Fair Partnership Agreement
      This partnership is between Page County Fair Board, Page County Youth Advisory Committee, Clarinda Schools, Essex Schools, Shenandoah Schools, South Page Schools,
Brokaw Chapter FFA and Davis Rodgers FFA for the purpose of coordinating the relationships, events, activities, and responsibilities of the parties, including the
 of the Page County Fair. This will be reviewed annually. This was tabled at the June 9 meeting to allow the Fair Board to make corrections and editions. A
      motion to bring it off the 
table needs to be made first before a motion to vote on it is made.

      Approve the Page County Fair Partnership Agreement

8.4 Consider Approving Changes to Master Agreement for Vocal and Band
      Administration is recommending to change on Schedule B of the Master Agreement the Vocal Music Middle and High School, and Middle School Band percentages and
amount. Vocal Music would increase from 12.5% ($4,741.75) to 14% ($5,310.76) and Band would increase from 8.5% ($3,224.39) to 12.5% ($4,741.75). Vocal
      music now includes 
Show Choir, Musical Theater Small Group competition and Variety Show. Band now includes Jazz Band, lessons and assisting with the high school
      marching band. This was 
tabled at the June 9 meeting to allow discussion with the CEA. A motion to bring it off the table needs to be made first before a motion to vote on it
      is made.
      Master Agreement

      Approve Vocal Music Middle and High School and Middle School Band changes to the Master Agreement.

8.5 Consider Approving Selling Non-District Contents at the 1180 Property Building
     There are items such as shelving units at the 1180 property building that are still in good condition that are not needed by the district. All items came with the building and
not school district items. It is recommended to sell these items.
   Approve selling non-district contents at the 1180 property building.    

8.6 Consider Approving Selling Technology Equipment  
      The technology department is recommending to sell outdated technology items such as iPads, laptops, desktops, monitors, towers, and accessories to a recycling company.
      IT has wiped 
the computers and the recycling company will also wipe the computers.
    Approve selling outdated technology equipment.

8.7 Discussion of Legislative Priorities
      IASB asks annually for school boards to review their Legislative Platform and choose up to four priorities. The deadline to submit is August 11, 2021
     Platform    Tips

 8.8 Consider Approving IASB Legislative Priorities for 2022
       The Board will need to decide on up to four Legislative priorities to submit to IASB to assist them in knowing what Iowa School Boards are wanting them support in
        Approve four IASB Legislative Priorities.

8.9 Consider Approving 2021-2022 Instructional Fees
      Per Iowa Code section 301, the school board annually approves the instructional fees for purpose of instruction. Instructional fees have remained the same for the past three
      years. It is 
the recommendation to increase the instructional fees by $10 and separate fees by building. The 7-12 building would be $50 and PK-6 building would be $30
      (PK-6). Once the 
instructional fees are Board approved, the fees will be posted on the school website.
      Approve the 2021-2022 instructional fees of $50 for 7-12 building and $30 for PK-6 building.

8.10 Consider Approving the Addendum to the Superintendent’s Contract
         It is the recommendation to give the superintendent five additional vacation days, three professional days for learning and a 1.55% increase for the 2021-2022 school year
        Approve the addendum to the superintendent’s contract for the 2021-2022 school year for five additional vacation days, three professional days and salary increase of

8.11 Consider Changing the Director of Student Service’s 2021-2022 Contract
        There has been a request to reduce the current Director of Student Service’s contract from four days a week to two days a week through December 22, 2021.
        Approve the Director of Student Service’s 2021-2022 contract to two days a week through December 22, 2021.

8.12 Consider Approving the Shared Personnel Agreement with Stanton for School Business Manager
        Administration is recommending a continuation of sharing a school business official with Stanton for the 2021-2022 school year to assist with the transition of the new
       director of 

        Approve the shared personnel agreement with Stanton for school business manager for the 2021-2022 school year.

9. Meeting Announcements:
Please note the schedule of meetings.
     9.1The next regular meeting is on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. in the Boardroom at McKinley.  

10. Adjournment
The President will call for a motion and a second to adjourn the meeting.


nmckinnon@clar… Tue, 07/13/2021 - 14:58