302.5E1 - Superintendent Evaluation Form

STANDARD #1: A superintendent is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. (Shared Vision)


1a.    In collaboration with others, uses appropriate data to establish rigorous, concrete goals in the context of student achievement and instructional programs.

  • Identifies critical data elements with stakeholder groups (i.e. teacher leaders, principals, SIAC, Board, etc.).
  • Ensures data-driven goals are set for the building and district teams.
  • Participates in planning process to establish measurable goals with all stakeholders.

1b.    Uses research and/or best practices in improving the educational program.

  • Demonstrates knowledge of current research and best practice.
  • Ensures staff has access to information and/or examples of current research and best practice.
  • Aligns goals with current research and best practice about high quality instructional programs.
  • Systematically engages stakeholders in discussions about current research and best practice.

1c.     Articulates and promotes high expectations for teaching and learning.

  • Holds administrative team to established expectations for teacher and student performance.
  • Works with stakeholders to establish expectations for teacher and student performance.
  • Communicates and discusses expectations for teaching and learning with stakeholders.
  • Promotes the belief that all students will master rigorous academic standards.
  • Facilitates goal setting to improve student achievement.

1d.    Aligns and implements the education programs, plans, actions, and resources with the district’s vision and goals.

  • Ensures building-level goals and action plans are consistent with district goals.
  • Ensures curriculum, instruction, and assessment alignment.
  • Provides leadership for development of effective and meaningful school improvement plan.
  • Makes decisions and allocates resources to support building and district goals.

1e.     Provides leadership for major initiatives and change efforts.

  • Demonstrates understanding of the change process.
  • Systematically plans change efforts to improve student achievement.
  • Uses knowledge of the school, district and community environment to inform planning and actions.
  • Allocates resources to support initiatives and change efforts.
  • Supports staff during the change process.
  • Garners staff and community support for change.
  • Fosters a climate of shared leadership.

1f.     Communicates effectively to various stakeholders regarding progress with school improvement plan goals.

  • Uses multiple means of communication to report district progress to share and help all stakeholders
  • understand district progress.
  • Responds to stakeholder questions and/or concerns with information.













Summary Rating


Meets Standard


Doesn’t Meet Standard


STANDARD #2: An educational leader promotes the success of all students by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional development. (Culture of Learning)

2a.  Provides leadership for assessing, developing and improving climate and culture.

  • Articulates a plan to improve/sustain the desired climate and culture.
  • Defines a set of core values, which reflect the desired climate and culture.
  • Facilitates the assessment of implementation of plan and alters as necessary based on data sources.
  • Fosters a climate in which every student is well known, respected, and cared for.

    2b.   Systematically and fairly recognizes and celebrates accomplishments of staff and students.

  • Develops a structure that ensures all students and staff earn recognition for work well done.
  • Communicates accomplishments of staff and students to district stakeholders.

2c.   Provides leadership, encouragement, opportunities and structure for staff to continually design more effective teaching and learning experiences for all students.

  • Articulates desired effective teaching and learning experiences.
  • Facilitates the utilization of effective current practices and new innovations.
  • Orchestrates processes to improve teaching and learning experiences.
  • Facilitates the assessment of the results, which reflect the success of established processes.

    2d.   Monitors and evaluates the effectiveness of curriculum, instruction and assessment.         

  • Ensures a high quality system is in place and used for the review of curriculum implementation and

                                    instruction and assessment practices.

  • Facilitates the collection of data related to curriculum, instruction and assessment.
  • Facilitates the collaborative analysis of data related to curriculum, instruction and assessment.
  • Ensures that a rigorous academic program is in place at each school.
  • Ensures that each student is engaged in a rigorous course of study.
  • Ensures that the curricular program is aligned with assessment systems.
  • Ensures that the curricular program is aligned across grades and levels of schooling.
  • Ensures that the regular and special programs (special education, English and a second language, etc.) are aligned.    

    2e.   Evaluates staff and provides ongoing coaching for improvement.

  • Demonstrates an understanding of and applies the Iowa School Leadership Standards and Criteria.
  • Maximizes district evaluation process to improve staff performance.
  • Initiates frequent conversations focused on continuous improvement.
  • Initiates critical conversations about quality teaching.

    2f.    Ensures staff members have professional development that directly enhances their performance and improves student learning.

  • Allocates resources to provide ongoing, research-based professional development.
  • Ensures professional development reflects current research-based practices, which have demonstrated improvement in student achievement.
  • Solicits input from staff regarding professional development needs and planning.
  • Collaborates with staff in the design of a plan that correlates with the Iowa Professional Development Model.

    2g.   Uses current research and theory about effective schools and leadership to develop and revise his/her professional growth plan.

  • Demonstrates an understanding of current research and theory regarding effective schools and leadership.
  • Builds professional growth plan based on school district needs, the school improvement plan and data on student performance.            

    2h.   Promotes collaboration with all stakeholders.

  • Ensures that a variety of stakeholders are meaningfully involved in accomplishing the mission of the school.
  • Provides time and opportunities for collaboration.
  • Provides meaningful opportunities for students to be engaged in school.
  • Fosters a culture in which teachers collaboratively engage, on a routine basis, on the shared work of
  • improving the instructional program.

    2i.    Is easily accessible and approachable to all stakeholders.

  • Develops and communicates a process for stakeholders to communicate with the administrator.

        2j.    Is highly visible and engaged in the school community.

  • Interacts with stakeholders in ways that enhance their support for the district.
  • Makes systematic and frequent visits to buildings and school and community activities.

    2k.   Articulates the desired school culture and shows evidence about how it is reinforced.

  • Develops a shared vision of the school culture.
  • Collects, shares and analyzes data regarding school cultures.












Summary Rating


Meets Standard


Doesn’t Meet Standard


STANDARD #3: An educational leader promotes the success of all students by ensuring management

of the organization, operations and resources for a safe, efficient and effective learning environment.



3a.  Complies with state and federal mandates and local board policies.

  • Ensures organizational compliance at all levels of local, state, and federal policies and mandates.
  • Explains local, state, and federal policies and mandates to stakeholders.
  • Allocates resources to support the compliance of local, state, and federal policies and mandates.
  • Develops and ensures the implementation of procedures and structures to support the compliance at all levels of local, state, and federal policies and mandates.

3b.  Recruits, selects, inducts, and retains staff to support quality instruction.

  • Uses a variety of methods and resources to recruit highly qualified staff.
  • Develops district procedures for hiring staff and ensures the process is followed.
  • Ensures opportunities are provided for orientation, mentoring, and ongoing support for staff.

3c.   Addresses current and potential issues in a timely manner.

  • Identifies issues with the potential to impact the district.
  • Develops plans to address the issues with the potential to impact the district.
  • Uses appropriate methods to communicate plans.

3d.  Manages fiscal and physical resources responsibly, efficiently, and effectively.

  • Allocates resources, including technology, to optimize student learning.
  • Implements and communicates effective budgetary policies and procedures.
  • Assesses district facility needs and develops plan to meet those needs.

3e.   Protects instructional time by designing and managing operational procedures to maximize learning.

  • Develops a school calendar to optimize student learning.
  • Work with Board to develop policies and procedures to optimize student learning.

3f.   Communicates effectively with both internal and external audiences about the operations of the school.

  • Ensures the development and maintenance of a district communication plan.
  • Gathers information and input from a variety of sources prior to communicating.
  • Communicates accurate information to appropriate audience(s) in a timely manner.












Summary Rating


Meets Standard


Doesn’t Meet Standard


STANDARD #4: An educational leader promotes the success of all students by collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs and mobilizing community resources. (Family and Community)


4a.  Engages family and community by promoting shared responsibility for student learning and support of the education system.

  • Ensures the involvement of students, families, and community members in the decision-making process to enhance student achievement.
  • Promotes collaborative opportunities to enhance district achievement.
  • Builds partnerships with community groups to support district goals.

4b.  Promotes and supports a structure for family and community involvement in the education system.

  • Establishes system for school and stakeholders to communicate with one another.
  • Collects and uses input/feedback from families and community for decision making.
  • Provides for skill development to family and community to support student learning.
  • Models equity in engaging stakeholders that represent the diversity of the school community.
  • Secures resources from the larger community to support school goals.

4c.   Facilitates the connections of students and families to the health and social services that support a focus on learning.

  • Ensures process exists for connecting students and families to appropriate health and social services.

4d.  Collaboratively establishes a culture that welcomes and honors families and community and seeks ways to engage them in student learning.

  • Interacts with parents in ways that enhance their support for student learning.
  • Fosters responsibility among staff to provide welcoming culture for all.
  • Promotes respect for diversity; Capitalizes on the diversity of the school community.












Summary Rating


Meets Standard


Doesn’t Meet Standard


STANDARD #5: An educational leader promotes the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner. (Ethics)


 5a.  Demonstrates ethical and professional behavior.

  • Adheres to state and federal mandates.
  • Adheres to board policies, district procedures, and contractual obligations.
  • Adheres to professional standards of behavior.
  • Treats people fairly and with respect.

 5b.  Demonstrates values, beliefs, and attitudes that inspire others to higher levels of performance.

  • Portrays a positive attitude about the ability of staff and students to accomplish substantial goals.
  • Supports major initiatives.
  • Communicates and models ideals and beliefs about schooling, teaching, and learning with stakeholders.

 5c.   Fosters and maintains caring professional relationships with staff.

  • Remains aware of personal needs of the staff.
  • Is informed about significant personal issues in the lives of the staff.
  • Acknowledges significant events in the lives of the staff.

 5d.  Demonstrates appreciation for and sensitivity to diversity in the school community.

  • Practices equity in meeting district needs.

 5e.   Is respectful of divergent opinions.

  • Solicits the opinion of others.












Summary Rating


Meets Standard


Doesn’t Meet Standard


STANDARD #6: An educational leader promotes the success of all students by understanding the profile of the community and responding to and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal and cultural context. (Societal Context)


6a.  Collaborates with service providers and other decision-makers to improve teaching and learning.

  • Participates in efforts for improved education through the political process.
  • Responds to community needs by supporting educational programs.
  • Interacts with organizations to enhance support for schools.

6b.  Advocates for the welfare of all members of the learning community.

  • Serves as educational liaison to the community.
  • Advocates for children and families in the larger community.

6c.   Designs and implements appropriate strategies to reach desired goals.

  • Assesses needs and analyzes data before making decisions.
  • Provides opportunities for input from all stakeholders.
  • Understands community profile and its relationship to global society.
  • Ensures the infusion of global understandings in program design and implementation.











Summary Rating


Meets Standard


Doesn’t Meet Standard


PART III – OVERALL SUMMARY   [Check (√) one in each row]


Job Responsibilities:

Meets Standard

Does not meet Standard

Standard      1




Standard      2




Standard      3




Standard      4




Standard      5




Standard      6










Significant Achievements:





Areas for Growth:






Superintendent Comments:






School Board President Comments:






Recommendation for Continuous Improvement (check one)


_____Professional Growth Plan


_____Remediation Target(s)                                         




Superintendent’s Signature:                                                                               Date:                                    

Evaluation Period: ____________________20____ to                                        , 20____


Board President’s Signature:                                                                              Date: