2021.12.08 - Regular Meeting Agenda
2021.12.08 - Regular Meeting AgendaClarinda Community School District
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, December 8, 2021 at 4:00 PM
McKinley Central Office
1. Call to Order
The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests.
1. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room.
2. A sign-in sheet is located at the table at the side of the room. All guests are asked to sign it to show attendance.
3. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room.
4. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
The President will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Roll Call
The President will ask for roll call.
4. Audience to Visitors
The President will ask the audience if they have any comments on the items on the agenda. This gives the public the opportunity to comment on agenda items prior to Board decisions/actions. Each community member wanting to comment to the board will be granted two minutes to speak. Please be prepared to give your name and address. The Board will listen to public comment and in accordance with district policy 213 and direct questions to the superintendent or the appropriate staff.
5. Approval of Agenda
If members have items to be added to the agenda, now is the time. If you have items that you want removed from the agenda, or removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion, make the request at this time. The President will call for a motion and second to approve the agenda.
6. Consider Consent Agenda Items
The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for the vote.
6.1 Approve Minutes of the November 10, 2021 Regular Meeting
6.2 Approve Bills
6.3 Approve Recommendations to Hire for 2021-22 School Year
Administration is requesting to hire for the 2021-22 school year. Please accept The following recommendations to meet district staffing needs:
Denise Jago as Paraprofessional for the 2021-2022 school year
Storm Howard as Assistant 7/8 Wrestling Coach for 2021-2022 school year upon completion of coaching certificate
6.4 Approve Winter Volunteer Coach
William Raybourn for Wrestling
7. Old Business
7.1 Financial Report
7.2 Treasurer’s Report
Mrs. McKinnon has attached the Treasurer’s report from the Certified Annual Report (CAR).
Approve the FY21 Treasurer’s Report as prepared and presented.
7.3 Election Results
The county certified the election on Tuesday, November 16. Paul Boysen and Scott Honeyman are duly elected to the Clarinda Community School Board for a term of four
years. 2085 votes were cast.
7.4 Adjournment of Retiring Board
8. New Business
8.1 Call to Order of the New Board
The President Pro-Tem (Board Secretary) will call the meeting to order.
8.2 Roll Call
The President Pro-Tem (Board Secretary) will do a roll call.
8.3 Administration of the Oath of Office to Newly Elected Board Members
The President Pro-Tem (Board Secretary) will administer the oath of office to the new Board members and non-voting student Board member(s).
8.4 Organizational Meeting
The President Pro-Tem (Board Secretary) will start the process for organization of the school Board
8.4.1 Election of Officers
The Board will elect a President and Vice President President
The President Pro-Tem (Board Secretary) will call for nominations. The Board will conduct a written vote on the nominations. The President Pro-Tem (Board Secretary) will read the results and will administer the oath of office to the newly elected President who will then assume the chair. Vice President
The President will call for nominations. The Board will conduct a written vote on the nominations. The President will read the results and administer the oath
of office to the newly elected Vice President.
8.4.2 Discuss and Approve 2021-22 dates, times, and locations for regular meetings of the Board
Currently, the district meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 4:00 p.m. in the boardroom at McKinley with the exception of July and December.
Please remember, that with appropriate notice, the school Board can meet as needed for special meetings and work sessions to conduct the business of the school
Approve school board meetings to be held
8.4.3 Discuss and Approve Bank Depositories
Districts are required to identify financial institutions to be depositories of the CCSD funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of Iowa Code Chapters 452
and 453 (1993) as amended by 1984 Iowa Acts, S.F. 2220. All banks in Clarinda are listed but PCSB is primarily used because of the interest rates it provides. Also
utilized in the past has been ISJIT, which is a group organization that pools money from many districts in the state allowing them to sometimes offer high interest rates
on any money invested. By listing all the banks, the business manager is able to secure the highest interest rates. Resolution
Adopt a resolution that Clarinda Community School District of Clarinda, Iowa in Page County approves the following list of financial institutions to be depositories of
the Clarinda Community School District funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of Iowa Code Chapters 452 and 453 (1993) as amended by 1984 Iowa
Acts, S.F. 2220. The Director of Finance, Board Secretary, and Board Treasurer is hereby authorized to deposit the Clarinda Community School District funds in amounts not to exceed the maximum approved for each respective financial institution as set out below. Administration recommends approval of the attached list of financial institutions as depositories of Clarinda Community School District funds.
8.4.4 Discuss and Approve Access to Clarinda Community School District Financial and Portfolio Accounts
Approving this agenda item annually maintains clear authorization and governance over who can access school district bank accounts and financial portfolios. The
School Board President, Business Manager, and Superintendent shall have access to view district bank accounts and financial portfolios. This is an added measure of
Approve authorizing the School Board President, Director of Finance, and Superintendent to have access to view district bank accounts and financial portfolios.
8.4.5 Approve Official Newspaper
As required by law, the school board annually designates the official newspaper for the district. The Clarinda Herald Journal has been the designated newspaper to
post notices and official business of the district.
Approve designating the Clarinda Herald Journal as the district’s official newspaper for the 2021-2022 school year.
8.4.6 Approve the 2021-2022 Reimbursement Schedule
The school board annually approves the reimbursement schedule for authorized travel expenses incurred for business conducted by and for the district.
Approve the 2021-2022 reimbursement schedule.
8.4.7 Committee Assignments
The practice has been for the president to appoint people to serve on various committees. This can be handled in three ways. The president can appoint members
based on members’ interest; members can express interest and discuss roles at the board meeting; or the president can just appoint. The board may want to spend time
thinking about the committees and assign them at the next board meeting. If you have preference, please contact Mrs. Bergman and she will start tracking interest. Finance
Two members will serve. In the past, a member has physically reviewed each of the bills and made recommendations for approval. The school board receives
the bill listing which has all of the bills identified and serves the purpose of review and approval. This committee reviews budgets and those items that
impact the budget (i.e. preliminary vetting). Facilities
Two members will serve. This committee meets and reviews facility and capital outlay plans. Policy
Two members will serve. The committee reviews 1/3 of the policy manual and any new policies the district have each year. We are required by law to review
policies every five years but we have stayed on a three-year rotation. The committee meets periodically throughout the year and makes recommendations to the
board. School Improvement
Two members serve. The SIAC committee is charged with gathering community insight and feedback. SIAC will meet throughout the year to communicate all
state requirements in school improvement efforts. Activities
Two members serve. The role of this committee is to review concerns, issues, and requests that impact district activities. This committee meets as deemed
necessary. Technology
Two members serve. The role of this committee is to work with the district technology committee while reviewing and planning for technology needs that
support instruction and student achievement. This committee meets periodically throughout the year. Legislative Action Network
One member serves. The designated member serves as the Legislative liaison to receive and share legislative information with the board. In addition, the board
member attends the IASB Delegate Assembly to discuss and plan legislative priorities. Page County Conference Board
One member serves. The member meets with other city and school representatives to help set salaries for county employees and typically meet once a year
8.5 Discuss and Consider Approving Easement for MidAmerican
Mid America is requesting an underground electric easement at the 1180 South 16th property. This will allow them access to the electrical wiring for Hy-Vee. Easement
Approve underground electric easement at 1180 South 16th property to Mid-American.
8.6 Discuss and Consider Approving Preschool Teacher Contract Extension
Administration is recommending an extension to Clarisa Johnson’s contract to the end of the 2021-22 school year. The original contract was until the end of December.
Approve the extension of preschool teacher Clarisa Johnson’s contract to the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
8.7 Discuss and Consider Approving Region 13 RPP Mini Grant
Emma Cutler applied for a Region 13 RPP mini grant for agriculture equipment. Her application was approved and will be awarded $9800. Grant
Approve the Region 13 RPP mini grant for $9800.
8.8 Discuss and Consider Approving Additional SIAC Members
Administration is recommending adding Stacy Pulliam and Cade Iverson to the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC). This committee is balanced between
gender, staff, students and community members.
Approve adding Stacy Pulliam and Cade Iverson to the School Improvement Advisory Committee.
8.9 Discuss and Consider Approving Modified Allowable Growth Funds for the At-Risk Program for the 2022-2023 School Year
This program is designed to focus on attendance, mental health, behaviors, academics, and students who may be at-risk and is required to be approved by the Board. This is
one of the few ways the Board can impact the local levy. Like most funds, there are significant restrictions on how much and how these funds can be spent. Report
Approve the application for Modified Allowable Growth funds for the At-Risk program for the 2022-2023 school year at the maximum amount of $174,930.
8.10 Discuss and Consider Approving Early Graduates
Please find attached the list of students being recommended for early graduation at the end of the first semester, pending successful completion of their current courses and
district graduation requirements. List
Approve the first semester early graduation list pending successful completion of the graduation requirements as set froth by the Board of Education and the state of Iowa.
8.11 Discuss and Consider Approving the Joe Beckman Live Event Quote
Administration is recommending approval to have Joe Beckman speak to the PK-6 building staff. Mr. Beckman is a co-founder of Till360 (formerly Happy Caveman) and
his mission is to reclaim human connection in school communities throughout the world. Quote Bio Book
Approve the Joe Beckman live event quote for $4500.
8.12 Discuss and Consider Approving Renewing Agreement with Grandma’s House
Grandma’s House has been utilizing a room at Garfield Elementary before and after school for school aged children. Their staff is in charge of watching the students. The
set up has been beneficial for Grandma’s House and families. Agreement
Approve renewing the agreement with Grandma’s House for a year.
8.13 Discuss and Consider the Management and Operation of Therapeutic Classroom Agreement
This agreement establishes a Therapeutic Classroom (Rising Hope) in a district building. This will provide a therapeutic setting for up to eight students at a time who are
experiencing behavior difficulties in the tradition public-school setting. This an agreement with a Red Oak student. Agreement
Approve the Management and Operation of Therapeutic Classroom Agreement with Green Hills AEA for the 2021-2022 school year.
8.14 Discuss and Consider Approving the First Reading of the 400 Series of Policy
The policy committee has reviewed the 400 series and recommend approval of edits on some policies, rescinding some policies, and maintaining the rest. The edits are
marked in the attached policies. Each series needs to be reviewed every five years.
400 - Role and Guiding Principles for Employees
401.1 – Equal Employment Opportunity
401.2 – Employee Conflict of Interest
401.3 – Nepotism
401.4 – Employee Complaints
401.4R1 – General Complaint Form
401.5 – Employee Records
401.5R1 – Employee Records Regulation
401.6 – Limitations to Employment References
401.7 – Employee Travel Compensation
401.8 – Recognition for Service of Employees
401.9 – Employee Political Activity
401.10 – Credit/Procurement Cards
401.10E1 – Procurement Card Rules Agreement
401.10E2 – Reimbursement Schedule
401.11 – Employee Orientation
401.12 – Employee Use of Cell Phones
401.12R1 – Employee Use of Cell Phones Regulation
401.13 – Staff Technology Use/Social Networking
401.13E1 – Staff Technology/Social Networking
401.13R1 – Staff Technology use Regulation
401.14 – Employee Expression
402.1 – Release of Credit Information
402.2 – Child Abuse Reporting
402.3 – Abuse of Students by School District Employees
402.4 – Gifts to Employees
402.5 – Public Complaints about Employees – RESCINDED
402.6 – Employee Outside Employment
403.1 – Employee Physical Examinations
403.2 Employee Injury on the Job
403.3 – Communicable Diseases – Employees
403.3E1 – Hepatitis B Vaccine Information and Record
403.3R1 – Universal Precautions Regulations
403.4 – Hazardous Chemical Disclosures
403.4E1 – Certificate of Training
403.5 – Substance-Free Workplace
403.5E1 – Substance-Free Workplace Notice to Employees
403.5R1 – Substance-Free Workplace Regulation
403.6 – Drug and Alcohol Testing Program
403.6E1 - Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Notice to Employees
403.6E2 - Drug and Alcohol Program and Pre-Employment Testing Acknowledgement Form
403.6E3 - Drug and Alcohol Program and Pre-Employment Testing Written Consent
404 – Employee Conduct and Appearance
404.R1 – Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics Regulation
404.R2 – Code of Rights and Responsibilities Regulation
405.1 – Licensed Employee Defined
405.2 – Licenses Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection
405.3 – Licensed Employee Individual Contracts
405.4 - Licensed Employee Continuing Contracts
405.5 - Licensed Employee Work Day
405.6 - Licensed Employee Assignment
405.7 - Licensed Employee Transfers
405.8 - Licensed Employee Evaluations
405.9 - Licensed Employee Probationary Status
406.1 - Licensed Employee Professional Compensation
406.2 - Licensed Employee Compensation Advancement
406.3 - Licensed Employee Continued Education Credit
406.4 - Licensed Employee Compensation for Extra Duty
406.5 - Licensed Employee Group Insurance Benefits
406.6 - Licensed Employee Tax Shelter Programs
407.1 - Licensed Employee Resignation
407.2 - Licensed Employee Contract Release
407.3 - Licensed Employee Retirement
407.4 - Licensed Employee Suspension
407.5 - Licensed Employee Reduction in Force
407.6 – Voluntary Early Retirement – Certified Staff
407.6E1 – Resignation and Request for Early Retirement
407.6E2 – Release
407.6E3 – Designation of Beneficiary
407.6E4 – Agreement not to Seek Re-employment
408.1 - Licensed Employee Professional Development
408.2 - Licensed Employee Publication or Creation of Materials
408.3 - Licensed Employee Tutoring
409.1 – Employee Vacation – Holidays – Personal Leave
409.2 – Employee Leave of Absence
409.3 – Employee Family and Medical Leave
409.3E1 – Employee Rights and Responsibilities Under the Family and Medical Leave Act
409.3E2 – Employee Family and Medical Leave Request Form
409.3R1 – Employee Family and Medical Leave Regulation
409.3R2 – Employee Family and Medical Leave Definitions
409.4 – Licensed Employee Bereavement Leave – RESCINDED
409.5 - Licensed Employee Political Leave – RESCINDED
409.6 - Licensed Employee Jury Duty Leave – RESCINDED
409.7 Licensed Employee Military Service Leave – RESCINDED
409.8 - Licensed Employee Unpaid Leave – RESCINDED
409.9 - Licensed Employee Family Emergency Leave – RESCINDED
410.1 – Substitute Teachers
410.2 – Summer School Licensed Employees
410.3 – None
410.4 – Education Associate
411.1 – Classified Employee Defined
411.2 - Classified Employee – Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection
411.3- Classified Employee Contracts
411.4 - Classified Employee Licensing/Certification
411.5 - Classified Employee Assignment
411.6 - Classified Employee Transfers
411.7 - Classified Employee Evaluation
411.8 – Classified Employee Probationary Status
412.1 - Classified Employee Compensation
412.2 - Classified Employee Wage and Overtime Compensation
412.3 - Classified Employee Group Insurance Benefits
412.4 - Classified Employee Tax Shelter Programs
413.1 - Classified Employee Resignation
413.2 - Classified Employee Retirement
413.3 - Classified Employee Suspension
413.4- Classified Employee Dismissal
413.5 - Classified Employee Reduction in Force
413.6 – Voluntary Early Retirement – Classified
413.6E1 – Resignation and Request for Early Retirement
413.6E2 – Release
413.6E3 – Designation of Beneficiary
413.6E4 – Agreement Not to Seek Re-Employment
414 - Classified Employee Professional Purposes Leave
414.1 Classified Employee Vacations – Holidays – Personal Leave – RESCINDED
414.2 - Classified Employee Personal Illness Leave – RESCINDED
414.3 - Classified Employee Family and Medical Leave – RESCINDED
414.3E1 - Employee Rights and Responsibilities Under the Family and Medical Leave Act
414.3E2 - Classified Employee Family and Medical Leave Request Form – RESCINDED
414.3R1 - Classified Employee Family and Medical Leave Regulation – RESCINDED
414.3R2 - Classified Employee Family and Medical Leave Definitions – RESCINDED
414.4 - Classified Employee Bereavement Leave – RESCINDED
414.5 - Classified Employee Political Leave – RESCINDED
414.6 - Classified Employee Jury Duty Leave – RESCINDED
414.7 - Classified Employee Military Service Leave – RESCINDED
414.8 - Classified Employee Unpaid Leave – RESCINDED
414.9 - Classified Employee Professional Purposes Leave – RESCINDED
414.10 - Classified Employee Family Emergency Leave - RESCINDED
Approve the first reading of the 400 policy series.
8.15 Discuss and Consider Any Action on Softball Practice
Softball Coach Seth Allbaugh is requesting the Board consider an exemption to the softball girls being able to practice on Wednesdays after 6:30 due to policy 508.2 –
Open Night.
Approve any possible action.
9. Recognition and Reports
The President will call for recognition and reports as identified on the agenda.
9.1 Youth Musical Theater Program
9.2 COVID Report
9.3 Superintendent
9.4 Board Correspondence
10. Meeting Announcements:
Please note the schedule of meetings.
10.1 The next regular meeting will be on Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. in the Boardroom at McKinley.
11. Adjournment
The President will call for a motion and a second to adjourn the meeting.