303.10E1 - Resignation and Request for Early Retirement

303.10E1 - Resignation and Request for Early Retirement

I, _____________________________________, born on _______________________________, hereby submit my resignation to the Board of Directors of the Clarinda Community School District and elect the early retirement benefits available to employees in the Clarinda Community School District.  This resignation is subject to the acceptance of my application for early retirement benefits.


I commenced my most recent continuous service in the Clarinda Community School District on



Print Full Name __________________________________________________


Signed _________________________________________________________ Date ______________________



The resignation and request for early retirement was accepted by the Board of Directors on the ___________ day of

 _________________, 20____, by action as noted in the minutes of the Board.



Secretary of Board of Directors
Clarinda Community School District


dawn@iowaschoo… Wed, 09/02/2020 - 10:43