2024.06.12 - Regular Meeting Minutes

2024.06.12 - Regular Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Regular Meeting
June 12, 2024
The Board of Directors
Clarinda Community School District


A Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Clarinda Community School District was held Wednesday, June 12, 2024, beginning at 5:00 PM in the McKinley Boardroom.


1. Call to Order
President Honeyman called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

2. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

3. Roll Call
The following Board members were present: President Honeyman, Vice President Wyman, Butt, and Hayes.  Absent: Boysen

4. Audience to Visitors
President Honeyman welcomed all visitors to the meeting.

5. Approval of Agenda
A motion was made by Wyman, seconded by Hayes, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.     

6. Consent Agenda Items
A motion was made by Hayes, seconded by Wyman, to approve the consent agenda items. Motion carried 4-0.
6.1 Approve Minutes of the May 22, 2024 Regular Meeting
6.2 Approve Minutes of the May 22, 2024 Work Session
6.3 Approve Bills
6.4 Approve Open Enrollment Requests for the 2024-2025 School Year
       Open Enrollment into the district: 1 – Bedford, kindergarten (Collin Hardee)
       Open Enrollment out of the district: 
4 – Shenandoah, second grade (Sophia Comstock), fourth grade (Bentley Comstock); Essex, kindergarten (Kace Davis); Stanton,
          second grade 
(Oliver Bollinger)
6.5 Approve Hires, Transfers, and Resignations
Jessica Hoppmann, Elementary Teacher, effective for the 2024-25 school year
                  Audrey Farwell, Food Service, effective for the 2024-25 school year

                  Michael Anderson, Assistant Softball Coach, effective the 2023-24 school year
      Transfers: none
Wendy Clark, Food Service, effective for the 2024-25 school year

7. Recognition and Reports
7.1 Administrator Report

7.2 Maintenance Report
        Mr. Ridnour reported maintenance staff has been painting, mowing, working in the locker rooms, and sealing/waxing the athletic hall floor. He has been attending weekly
        construction meetings.

7.3 Finance Report
       Mrs. McKinnon talked about open enrollment deadlines. Morgan Sams from Grandma’s House spoke on the agreement; this allows the daycare to have more younger
       children but there is still a waiting list.

7.4 Superintendent Report
       Mr. Privia recognized the retirees – Barb Farwell, Deanne Marriott, Darrel Robberts, and Kim Williams.  He continues to attend the weekly construction meetings. Ahlers &
       Cooney and Piper Sandler are helping the District to prepare to sell bonds in July. He discussed the revenue bond project cost tracking.

7.5 Board Correspondence
      Honeyman stated he attended the Glenwood base/softball games and was impressed with the teams.
      Wyman is umpiring the ninth-grade softball games and he is seeing growth throughout the season.

8. New Business
8.1 Discuss and Consider Approving the Summer Nutrition Grant
      A motion was made by Wyman, seconded by Butt, to approve the Summer Meal Program Expansion Grant for $16,639.00. Motion carried 4-0.

 8.2 Discuss and Consider Approving the Food Service Equipment Assistance Grant
      A motion was made by Butt, seconded by Hayes, to approve the Food Service Equipment Assistance Grant for $9314.09 to purchase a new steamer from Douglas
       Equipment. Motion carried 4-0.

8.3 Discuss and Consider Approving Green Hills AEA Agreement for Teacher Librarian Services
A motion was made by Wyman, seconded by Butt, to approve the Green Hills AEA agreement of $17,500 for teacher librarian services for 2024-25 school year. Motion
       carried 4-0.

8.4 Discuss and Consider Approving the Purchase of Vehicles
A motion was made by Butt, seconded by Hayes, to approve the purchase of a Chrysler Pacifica for $40,950 from Shore Motor Company and a used 12-passenger van for
      $49,900 from Karl Ford in Story City. Motion carried 3-0. Abstained – Wyman.

8.5 Discuss and Consider Approving Renewing Agreement with Grandma’s House
      A motion was made by Hayes, seconded by Wyman, to approve renewing the agreement with Grandma’s House from July 2024 to June 2025. Motion carried 4-0.

8.6 Discuss and Consider Approving Resolution to Transfer General Funds to Activity
      A motion was made by Hayes, seconded by Wyman, to approve the resolution to transfer $6486.79 from the general fund into the activity fund for the 2023-2024 school
      year. A roll call was taken: Hayes – Aye; Wyman – Aye; Butt – Aye; Honeyman – Aye. Motion carried 4-0.

8.7 Discuss and Consider Approving IASB Legislative Priorities for 2025
      Discussion centered on the pre-school needs, last year’s priorities, and school safety.
     A motion was made by Wyman, seconded by Butt, to approve Pre-School, Mental Health, Special Education, and SSA (Supplement State Aid) as the four IASB Legislative
      Priorities for FY25. Motion carried 4-0.

 8.8 Discuss and Consider Approving Overnight Stay for the Softball Team
       A motion was made by Hayes, seconded by Wyman, to approve the overnight stay for the softball team June 21-22, 2024 in Des Moines. Motion carried 4-0.

9.  Meeting Announcements
     9.1 A regular meeting will be on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. at McKinley.
     9.2 A regular meeting will be on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. at McKinley.    

10. Adjournment
A motion was made by Hayes, seconded by Wyman, to adjourn the meeting at 5:39 p.m.  Motion carried 4-0.


These minutes are as recorded by the board secretary and subject to approval at the next regular board meeting.

Nancy McKinnon
Board Secretary  

nmckinnon@clar… Thu, 06/13/2024 - 12:42