705.2E2 - Reimbursement Schedule

705.2E2 - Reimbursement Schedule

Employees will be reimbursed for authorized travel expenses incurred for business conducted for the Clarinda School District when a district procurement card is not available or not accepted.

Submission of travel claims: All travel claims must state the actual expense incurred by the claimant, and shall not include expenses paid by other individuals, or for the purchase of miscellaneous items which are not needed in the performance of official duties.     

Meal reimbursement amounts include tax and tip. Itemized receipts must be submitted for reimbursement. “Travel Status” is defined by the IRS as having lodging either the day of the meal reimbursement or the night previous to the meal reimbursement. Meals with no overnight lodging are taxable to the employee. The district shall not reimburse for alcoholic beverages.      

Mileage reimbursement shall be provided when approved in advance by the appropriate supervisor or superintendent. Mileage is based on direct travel from the district (or home) to the meeting location. A map shall be submitted that indicates the mileage from point A to B.      

Lodging: As much as possible, the business office will make lodging arrangements and schedule payment with the designated hotel. Reimbursement for lodging expenses shall be provided when approved in advance by the appropriate supervisor or superintendent.     

Parking reimbursement shall be provided when public parking is not available. The parking ticket or receipt must be submitted for reimbursement.

Meals:  Not to exceed $50 per day for overnight travel                                                                                                                                  .           
             Or breakfast $15, lunch $15, & dinner $20 for day travel
             *Students $30 per day

Mileage: State of Iowa Rate 0.655 mile

Lodging: Reasonable expense    

 *students are reimbursed $30 per day for expenditures as a result of state competition 

nmckinnon@clar… Thu, 05/25/2023 - 08:31