705.2E1 - Procurement Card Rules

705.2E1 - Procurement Card Rules

The following rules and procedures are to be adhered to when utilizing the Procurement Card Program at the Clarinda Community School District.

  1. Employees who check out a P-Card must immediately return the P-Card and receipts to the card custodian after use.
  1. Card custodians must immediately return all P-Cards in their control immediately upon request or resignation.
  1. The cardholders are accountable and responsible for the proper use of the Procurement Card Program.
  1. The School Business Official is responsible for the administration and monitoring of the Procurement Card Program within the District.
  1. All District and building purchasing policies and procedures must be followed when utilizing the Procurement Card Program.  This includes but is not limited to approval procedures, monetary limits, and contractual obligations (where applicable).  Questions pertaining to this issue should be addressed to the School Business Official. 
  1. Procurement card purchases must not exceed established monetary limits per single purchase and per card cycle as stated in each cards Statement of Authority.  Procurement card purchases may not be split to bypass single purchase limits.  Procurement cardholders may not make consecutive or near consecutive purchases to the same vendor for like items to bypass purchasing monetary limits, rules or procedures.  Administrators are responsible and accountable for adherence to these limits.
  1. The District does not pay State Sales and Local Option Taxes.
  1. After purchase the vendor receipts must be forwarded to Central Office.  The School Business Official will monitor procurement card purchases for compliance to these rules and other purchasing policies and procedures of the District.
  1. The original itemized receipt (not a copy) must be attached to the requisition.  Lost receipts are grounds for revocation of procurement card privileges.
  1. The Procurement Card may only be used by the individual whose name appears on the card or the individual who has checked out the card.  Never lend your procurement card to someone else or allow someone to give your card number to make a purchase.
  1. More than three (3) violations of non-compliance with Procurement Card Program rules and procedures will result in revocation of procurement card purchasing privileges for the cardholder involved and possible disciplinary action from Administration or the Board.
  1. Lost or stolen cards should be reported immediately to the School Business Official (712-542-5165), the School Principal/Department Supervisor, and Visa (800) xxx-xxxx.
  1. Procurement cards may not be used for the following purchases: Personal uses, Cash advances, Money orders, Narcotics, dangerous drugs, Firearms, ‘Check with order” requests, Alcohol, and Explosives, (this is not considered a complete list, Board policies and State of Iowa laws must be followed).
  1. Purchases made with Grant Funds must be in compliance with the Grant provisions.
  1. When applicable all efforts should be made to consolidate purchases to maximize the monetary value of each transaction.
  1. Except when in use by the cardholder, cards must be kept in a locked area in a secure environment.  Some schools/departments may require that cards be held in the school/department main office and checked out only when authorization for a purchase has been granted.
  1. All authorized invoices/charges will be billed to the Clarinda Community School District and not the District employee.
  1. If an individual seeks reimbursement for an actual and necessary expense made with a personal credit card when a district procurement card was available for the transaction, the Board has the right to deny the reimbursement request.


Individual Procurement Card Use Agreement

AGREEMENT made between the Clarinda Community School District, Page and Taylor Counties, Iowa (hereinafter the “District”), the undersigned employee


WHEREAS, by this Agreement the Employee has been entrusted with a procurement credit card (“p-Card”) for use in the purchase of goods and services solely and exclusively for the authorized business purposes of the District; and

WHEREAS, the Employee agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the p-Card as set forth herein.

NOW, THEREFORE, consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, it is agreed by the District and the Employee as follows:

  1. The Employee hereby agrees to immediately return the p-Card to the District upon request.
  2. The Employee shall not use the p-Card for the purchase of any goods or service that is not authorized by the terms of the Procurement Card Rules or by the direct written approval of the building principal or supervisor.
  3. The procurement card is to be used for business expenditures only.  The procurement card may only be used following the parameters and procedures established for the Procurement Card Program as described in the “Procurement Card Rules”.  The card may not be used for personal purposes.
  4. Employee shall submit itemized receipts and such other reasonable documentation of goods or services purchased immediately after use to the Central Office.  Submitting a swiped credit card transaction receipt is NOT an itemized receipt.
  5. Employee shall immediately notify Visa in the event of a possible loss, theft, or unauthorized use of the Card by phone at (800) xxx-xxxx.  Employee shall also immediately notify the School Business Official of possible loss, theft, or unauthorized use of the Card.
  6. The p-Card may not be utilized to circumvent State and District competitive bid laws and policies.
  7. Any unauthorized or undocumented expenditures must be reimbursed to the District.
  8. The employee signature below acknowledges that the Procurement Card Rules have been made available to them and they have reviewed them.
  9. This Agreement may not be modified in anyway without the approval of the District.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement the day and year first above written.




EMPLOYEE PRINTED NAME ______________________________________________


EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE _________________________________________________


DATE SIGNED __________________________________________________________

nmckinnon@clar… Thu, 05/25/2023 - 08:29