2020.08.26 - Regular Meeting Minutes

2020.08.26 - Regular Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Regular Meeting

The Board of Directors

Clarinda Community School District

A Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Clarinda Community School District was held Wednesday, August 26, 2020, beginning at 4:00 PM in the McKinley Central Office for Board Members and Zoom for Public (Link found on district website under Menu - District Office - Zoom Link).


  1. Call to Order

President Jones called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

  1. Roll Call

The following board members were present: President Jones, Vice President Sunderman, Bergren (via Zoom), Meyer, and Pulliam.

  1. Audience to Visitors

President Jones welcomed all visitors to the meeting.

  1. Approval of Agenda

A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Meyer, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.

  1. Consider Consent Agenda Items

A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Pulliam, to approve the consent agenda items. Motion carried 5-0.

6. 1. Approve Minutes of the August 12, 2020 Regular Meeting

6. 2. Approve Minutes of the August 18, 2020 Work Session

6. 3. Approve open enrollment requests for 2020-2021 School Year Open Enrollment into the district 2020-2021: 7 from South Page,

Kindergarten (Mason Olson); second grade (Regan McPhee); eighth grade (Gavin McPhee); second grade (Kylie Childs); third grade (Justin Childs); fifth grade (Natalie Childs); Kindergarten (Caroline Parrott); 2 from Bedford, eleventh grade (Paige Daly); eighth grade (Kaedance Daly)

Open Enrollment out of the district 2020-2021: 3 to CAM, Kindergarten (Jack Samuelson); first grade (Emma Hill); Kindergarten (Abbie Hill); 1 to Essex, Kindergarten (Eden Patton); 2 to Clayton Ridge, seventh grade (Kambry Gordon); ninth grade (Tucker Gordon); 2 to Stanton, Kindergarten (Emmet Gibson); second grade (Roger Gibson III); 2 to Bedford, first grade (Jayden Green); Kindergarten (Crosby Crawford)

6.4. Approve Resignation for the 2020-2021 school year

Jason Armstrong, Assistant Middle School Football Coach

  1. Recognition & Reports

            7. 1.  Financial Reports

Mr. Pedersen met with Mr. Porter and Mrs. Bergman to set the Activities Budget. Last year the middle and high school football budget were combined and this year will be split so each has its own. It will take $8000 to bring both into budget alignment. The auditor will be back in September for further questions. The Governor’s Emergency Educational Relief Fund for PK-12 was released and is allocated for increasing connectivity, such as hot spots and technology needs for students. This will begin September 1 and CCSD should receive around $56,000.

7. 2. Superintendent

Mrs. Bergman handed out pictures showing David Williamson’s art. He spoke at the Iowa Economic Development Summit for Rural Communities; his message is transforming rural communities through creativity. She may be looking for an artist in residence this year to help with our messaging of our work. On August 19 staff engaged in LeaderInMe training of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The staff enjoyed it and will incorporate the learning throughout the year. Wednesday she met with the High School seniors to discuss their needs, wants, and concerns to be successful and contribute in the 21st Century. Students discussed being treated like adults, communication, having a student voice, and adding a Life Skills class to the curriculum. Kelly Kline is the new school nurse through the hospital. Mrs. Bergman thanked the CRHC nurse team for assisting on Monday with the parent medicine drop off. She handed out Iowa Department of Public Health and Iowa Department of Education COVID guidance sheets. The health team will be looking at the COVID policies for the district. A slideshow show is being created with pictures of staff’s summer events, teachers preparing for students, handing out recognition pins, classrooms and hallways.

7.3. Board Correspondence

Pulliam – She had privilege to be in the buildings this week and got to see first-hand the administration, teachers and staff working hard along with the students, who are adapting to the changes. There are great things happening and great people in our district.

Meyer – She commended the staff, students and families for supporting wearing the facial coverings and showing patience.

  1. New Business

8. 1. Consider Approving the 2020-2021 Classified Staff Handbook

A motion was made by Pulliam, seconded by Sunderman, to approve the 2020-2021 Classified Staff Handbook. Motion carried 5-0.

8. 2. Consider Approving the 2020-2021 Licensed Staff Handbook

A motion was made by Meyer, seconded by Pulliam, to approve the 2020- 2021 licensed staff handbook. Motion carried 5-0.

8. 3.  Consider Approving 2020-2021 Activities Budgets

A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Pulliam, to approve the 2020-2021 Activities Budgets. Motion carried 5-0.

8. 4. Consider Approving the Purchase of CatchLIFE 30

A motion was made by Pulliam, seconded by Sunderman, to approve the purchase of CatchLIFE 30 for all staff using self-funding money and general fund. Motion carried 5-0.

8. 5. Consider Approving SolarWinds Quote

A motion was made by Pulliam, seconded by Meyer, to approve purchasing SolarWinds anti-virus program. Motion carried 5-0.

8. 6. Consider Approving Donations to CCSD

A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Pulliam, to approve the donations for $1000 from Hockenberry Foundation for school nurse fund,

$108 for sneeze guards from Iowa State University; $331.59 for 500 reusable athletic/activity cotton face masks from anonymous donor. Motion carried 5-0.

8.7. Consider Approving Activity/Sporting Events COVID Guidelines

A motion was made by Pulliam, seconded by Sunderman, to approve activity and sporting events COVID guidelines #4. Motion carried 5-0.

  1. Meeting Announcements:

9. 1. The next regular meetings are September 9, 2020 and September 23, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. in the Board Room at McKinley and via Zoom.

A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Meyer, to adjourn the meeting at 5:03 pm. Motion carried 5-0.


dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 10/09/2020 - 13:31