403.4 - Hazardous Chemical Disclosure

403.4 - Hazardous Chemical Disclosure

The board authorizes the development of a comprehensive hazardous chemical communication program for the school district to disseminate information about hazardous chemicals in the workplace.

Each employee will annually review information about hazardous substances in the workplace as required by the district.  When a new employee is hired or transferred to a new position or worksite, the information and training, if necessary, is included in the employee's orientation.  When an additional hazardous substance enters the workplace, information about it is distributed to all employees, and training is conducted for the appropriate employees.  The superintendent will maintain a file indicating which hazardous substances are present in the workplace and when training and information sessions take place.

Employees who will be instructing or otherwise working with students will disseminate information about the hazardous chemicals with which they will be working as part of the instructional program. 

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations regarding this professional learning. 


NOTE:  This policy reflects current law on employees' right to know about hazardous substances in the workplace.



Legal Reference: 29 C.F.R. Pt. 1910; 1200 et seq.
                                    Iowa Code chs. 88; 89B.

Cross Reference: 403      Employees' Health and Well-Being
                                    804      Safety Program

Initially Approved   03-12-2001                       
Last Reviewed   12-22-2021                             
Last Revision    12-22-2021 


dawn@iowaschoo… Thu, 09/03/2020 - 08:38

403.4E1 - Certificate of Training Chemical Right to Know

403.4E1 - Certificate of Training Chemical Right to Know

Everyone should be aware of potential chemical hazards at the work place and how to properly handle chemicals.  Each school employee is required by state law to receive training in the hazards and proper handling of chemicals in the work place.  The only means available for the district to provide the training is to have an employee view a video tape produced by the state.  We apologize for the lack of vigor and warmth in the video presentation, but it is necessary that you attempt to glean the information even if the presentation is not exciting.

While the tapes can be viewed individually to satisfy the legal requirements, it is recommended that they be viewed in small groups so that discussion and clarification can be obtained.  At the present time there is no legal requirement that you must repeat the viewing of the Right to Know video, but if you would like to do so, the tape will be made available.

When you have completed the required training, please complete the following form and send it (or a copy) to the Central Office for filing.


I hereby certify I have viewed the required “Chemical Right to Know” video tape.


Date of Viewing


Signature of Employee                                 


dawn@iowaschoo… Thu, 09/03/2020 - 11:34