2023.12.06 - Regular Meeting Minutes

2023.12.06 - Regular Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Regular Meeting
December 6, 2023
The Board of Directors
Clarinda Community School District


A Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Clarinda Community School District was held Wednesday, December 6, 2023, beginning at 5:00 PM in the McKinley Boardroom.


1. Call to Order
President Sunderman called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

2. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

3. Roll Call
The following Board members were present: President Sunderman, Vice President Honeyman, Bergren, Boysen, and Jones.

4. Audience to Visitors
President Sunderman welcomed all visitors to the meeting. Jennifer Herrington congratulated the new board members and wished them well.

5. Approval of Agenda
A motion was made by Bergren, seconded by Jones, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.  

6. Consider Consent Agenda Items
A motion was made by Jones, seconded by Bergren, to approve the consent agenda items. Motion carried 5-0.
6.1 Approve Minutes of the November 8, 2023 Regular Meeting
6.2 Approve Bills

6.3 Approve Open Enrollment Requests for the 2023-2024 School Year
      Open Enrollment into the district:
South Page, second (Oliver Smalley), fourth (Mason Smalley)

      Open Enrollment out of the district: none
6.4 Approve Recommendations, Transfers, and Resignations
       Hires: none
       Transfers: none
       Resignations: none
Approve Volunteer Coach
      Zach Goering as high school boys’ basketball coach

7. Old Business
7.1 Financial Report
Mrs. McKinnon reported on the new budget process.

7.2 Treasurer’s Report
       A motion was made by Jones, seconded by Bergren, to approve the FY23 Treasurer’s Report as prepared and presented. Motion carried 5-0.

7.3 Discuss and Consider Approving Early Retirement
      This is only for the 2023-24 school year but will be discussed each year. The offer will follow a matrix that includes years of service and remaining sick days.
      A motion was made by Bergren, seconded by Boysen, to approve
offering early retirement for FY24 to a maximum of four certified staff, two classified staff, and one
      administrator. Motion carried 5-0.

7.4 Discuss and Consider Approving Jr/Sr. High Student Handbook Changes
       The addition has been followed in past practice but Mr. Cox is requesting to add it to the handbook so it is in writing for students, parents, and future staff to follow. Two
       teacher committees have been involved in helping with this process.
       A motion was made by Bergren, seconded by Jones, to approve adding the concurrent enrollment options to the 2023-24 Jr/Sr. High Student Handbook. Motion carried 5-0.

7.5 Election Results
      The Board reviewed the certified results. Patrick Hayes, Josh Wyman, and Mike Butt are duly elected to the Clarinda Community School Board for a term of four years.
      2709 votes were cast.

7.6 Adjournment of Retiring Board
      Mr. Privia and Vice President Honeyman thanked and presented plaques to Bergren, Jones, and Sunderman for their service to CCSD.

President Sunderman declared the Board adjourned at 5:18 p.m.

8. New Business
8.1 Call to Order of the New Board
      President pro-tem McKinnon called the meeting to order at 5:20 pm.  

8.2 Roll Call
      The following board members were present: Boysen, Butt, Hayes, Honeyman, and Wyman.

8.3 Administration of the Oath of Office to Newly Elected Board Members
      McKinnon administered the oath of office to the new Board members.

8.4 Organizational Meeting
       McKinnon started the process of reorganizing the school Board.
      8.4.1 Election of Officers
                           McKinnon called for nominations for President. Wyman nominated Honeyman. Honeyman nominated Butt. An oral vote was taken and Honeyman was
                            nominated President by a 4-1 vote. For Honeyman: Boysen, Butt, Hayes, and Wyman.  For Butt: Honeyman. McKinnon administered the oath of office to
                            Honeyman the newly elected President.

      Vice President
                            President Honeyman called for nominations for Vice President. Hayes nominated Wyman. Wyman nominated Hayes. An oral vote was taken and Wyman was
                            nominated Vice President by a 3-2 vote. For Wyman: Butt, Hayes, and Honeyman, For Hayes: Boysen and Wyman. President Honeyman administered the oath
                            of office to Wyman the newly elected Vice President.

        8.4.2 Discuss and Approve 2023-24 dates, times, and locations for regular meetings of the Board
A motion was made by Wyman, seconded by Butt, to approve school board meetings to be held on the second and fourth Wednesdays each month, except for July,
                 November and December having only one meeting, at 5:00 p.m. in the McKinley Boardroom. Motion carried 5-0.

       8.4.3 Discuss and Approve Bank Depositories
                A motion was made by Boysen, seconded by Hayes, to adopt a resolution approving the bank depositories as presented: PCSB $25,000,000; Bank Iowa $25,000,000;
                PMA (ISJIT) $25,000,000; Cornerstone $25,000,000; and First Interstate Bank $25,000,000. Ayes: Boysen, Butt, Hayes, Honeyman, and Wyman. Motion carried 5-0.

       8.4.4 Discuss and Approve Access to Clarinda Community School District Financial and Portfolio Accounts
                A motion was made by Boysen, seconded by Wyman, to approve authorizing the School Board President, Director of Finance, and Superintendent to have access to
                view district bank accounts and financial portfolios. Motion carried 5-0.

       8.4.5 Approve Official Newspaper
   A motion was made by Hayes, seconded by Boysen, to approve designating the Southwest News Herald as the district’s official newspaper for the 2023-2024 school
                 year. Motion carried 5-0.

       8.4.6 Approve the 2023-2024 Reimbursement Schedule
                A motion was made by Wyman, seconded by Hayes, to approve the 2023-2024 reimbursement schedule as presented. Motion carried 5-0.

       8.4.7 Committee Assignments
                         Boysen and Wyman appointed to the finance committee
        Facilities/School Improvement
                         Honeyman and Butt appointed to the facilities/school improvement committee
                          Boysen and Butt appointed to the policy/activities committee
                        Hayes and Wyman appointed to the technology committee
   Legislative Action Network
                         Butt appointed to the Legislative committee
   Page County Conference Board
                        Hayes appointed to the Page County Conference Board

8.2 Discuss and Consider Approving the SBRC Application for Modified Supplemental Authority for Open Enrollment Out
       A motion was made by Wyman, seconded by Hayes, to approve SBRC request of a modified supplemental one-time funding of approximately $131,326 for increased open
      enrollment out for the 2023-24 school year. Motion carried 5-0.

8.3 Discuss and Consider Approving Canceling the December 27 Board Meeting
A motion was made by Butt, seconded by Hayes, to approve canceling the December 27, 2023 meeting. Motion carried 5-0.

8.4 Discuss and Consider Approving the First Reading of Policy Primers
A motion was made by Wyman, seconded by Boysen, to approve the first reading of the Volume 32 #1 Policy Primers. Motion carried 5-0.

8.5 Discuss and Consider Approving Early Graduates
      A motion was made by Boysen, seconded by Wyman, to approve the first semester early graduation list pending successful completion of the graduation requirements as set
     forth by the Board of Education and the state of Iowa. Motion carried 5-0.

8.6 Discuss and Consider Approving Donations
      A motion was made by Hayes, seconded by Boysen, to approve donations of $600 from an anonymous donor, $100 from the Westminster Presbyterian Church, $100 from
      the Methodist Church, and $1000 from the Hockenberry Foundation. Motion carried 5-0.

8.7 Discuss and Consider Approving Youth Theater Fundraiser
      A motion was made by Boysen, seconded by Butt, to approve the fund drive for the Youth Theater Group. Motion carried 5-0.

9. Recognition and Reports
    9.1 Administrator Report
          Mrs. Ehlers and Mr. Cox reported on the scores from the Iowa Performance Profile. Each school receives an overall score based on accountability measures. Elementary
          was ranked as commendable which is an increase of five points. Jr./Sr. High was ranked commendable which is half a point under high performing, and ranked second in
          H-10. Mrs. Ehlers stated holiday concerts are this month and TeamMates Mentoring for students has started. Mr. Cox stated the Geometry in Construction class is building
          deer blinds to be sold. The Cardinal Online Program currently has 21 students enrolled.
    9.2 Superintendent Report
          Mr. Privia and Mrs. McKinnon will attend a budget workshop next week. He has been in discussion with legal counsel about a voted PPEL.

    9.3 Board Correspondence
          Honeyman congratulated Butt, Hayes, and Wyman.

10. Meeting Announcements
     10.1 A regular meeting will be on Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. at McKinley.
     10.2 A regular meeting will be on Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. at McKinley.  

11. Adjournment
A motion was made by Boysen, seconded by Hayes, to adjourn the meeting at 6:10 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.


Scott Honeyman                            Nancy McKinnon
Board President                                Board Secretary

nmckinnon@clar… Thu, 12/07/2023 - 15:17