2021.08.06 TQ$ Committee Meeting Minutes

2021.08.06 TQ$ Committee Meeting Minutes

TQ$ Committee:  Kim Williams, Rita DeGroot, Mike Smith, Luke Cox, Lesley Ehlers, & Chris Bergman
Friday, August 6th from 9:00-10:00 at Central Office


  • Teacher Quality Committee Guidance per Iowa Code 284.4
  • Responsibilities of the Teacher Quality Committee
  • Set spring meeting for TQ decision-making for 2022-2023
  • August 23, 2021 Professional Learning
  • Co-creation of viable structures and learning connected to district goals
    • Leader in Me
    • Trauma-Informed Care/Behavior Support
    • Charlotte Danielson Instructional Framework
  • Other


*Determined use and distribution of PL funds should be "balanced" with the three overall levels of professional development plans: district, attendance center, and individual. It is recommended that a majority of the money go to district and attendance center plans. This is based on the research that shows the professional development most likely to improve student achievement is a collective-team effort, data driven, frequent and sustained over time and connects pedagogy, content and students.

The Teacher Quality Committee met on Friday, August 6th from 9:00-10:00 per Iowa Code 284.4.  Members present included:  Luke Cox, 7-12 principal, Lesley Ehlers, PK-6 principal, Chris Bergman, superintendent, Kim William, 7-12 teacher, Mike Smith, instructional coach, and Rita DeGroot, PK-6 teacher. 

The meeting opened with team members reading the State of Iowa Teacher Quality Committee Guidance which was last updated in 2019.  The above highlighted statement on the agenda was read and discussed to set the purpose of the meeting and establish that the fund use is the responsibility of the TQ Committee.  This year, the CCSD has $55, 282 in this fund.  Approximately 3/4 of the total funds ($41,461.50) will be allocated to district and building professional learning.  Approximately ¼ of the total funds ($13,820.50) will be allocated to individual professional learning requests for the 2021-2022 school year.

It was made clear that participation in the full-day TQ day on August 23, 2021, prior to the start of the year, is optional.  On this day, a district day, per guidance, will include professional learning focused on the Leader in Me and Google classroom.  Due to the shortened number of pre-service days this year, the TQ Committee brainstormed various topic ideas and narrowed the focus and timeframe.  Pending board approval, the day itself will span from 8:00-1:00, include a working lunch and compensate to each attendee.  Individual TQ pay will align with these hours, and the remainder of the day is designated as time for classroom prep. *It was pointed out that the district does not pay for lunches.

Building funds will be allocated per pupil, and use will be determined by PK-6 and 7-12 building staff. Individual requests for professional learning will be determined collaboratively between the building principal and each building leadership team.  Examples of this might include: staff requests for conference registrations, substitutes, etc. for classroom staff, band, art, nurse, PE, or other specials areas.

The next TQ Committee meeting will be on Tuesday, March 29th at 4:00 pm.  At the meeting, the use of TQ funds for the 2022-2023 school year will be determined.  All TQ Committee meetings must be posted, per law, and must be outside of contract hours.

It was determined that Mike Smith and Chris Bergman request board approval for the shortened TQ$ day.

nmckinnon@clar… Mon, 08/09/2021 - 13:55