2019.03.13 - Regular Meeting Minutes

2019.03.13 - Regular Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Regular Meeting
March 13, 2019

The Board of Directors
Clarinda Community School District


A Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Clarinda Community School District was held Wednesday, March 13, 2019, beginning at 4:00 PM in the McKinley Central Office.



Call to Order
Vice President Bond called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm.



Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.



Roll Call
The following board members were present: Vice President Bond,  Meyer, Pulliam, and Sunderman. Absent: President Jones



Audience to Visitors
Vice President Bond welcomed all visitors to the meeting.



Approval of Agenda
A motion was made by Pulliam, seconded by Sunderman, to amend the consent agenda by removing items 10, consider approving second and final reading of Policy 401.10 Credit/Procurement Cards, and 11, consider approving first reading of early retirement plan. Motion carried 4-0.

A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Pulliam, to approve the amended agenda.  Motion carried 4-0.



Open hearing on the proposed 2019-2020 calendar
At 4:04 pm Vice President Bond declared the start of the open hearing on the proposed 2019-20 school calendar.  Hearing no verbal, and receiving no written objections to the proposed calendar, Vice President Bond closed the hearing at 4:08pm.



Consider Consent Agenda Items
A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Pulliam, to approve the consent agenda items. Motion carried 4-0.


7. 1.

Approve minutes of the February 13, 2019 regular meeting


7. 2.

Approve Bills
Director Meyer reviewed the bills and found them in order.


7. 3.

Approve open enrollment requests


7. 4.

Approve resignation from Kaci Hoskey as middle school girls basketball coach effective with school board approval


7. 5.

Approve resignation from Jim Lindsay as middle school wrestling coach effective with school board approval


7. 6.

Approve resignation from Chelsey Engstrand as paraprofessional effective with the end of the 2018-2019 contract


7. 7.

Approve resignation from Kaci Hoskey as elementary teacher effective with the end of the 2018-2019 contract


7. 8.

Approve request for transfer from Susan Lauritsen English teacher to theatre/drama teacher for the 2019-2020 school year


7. 9.

Approve request for transfer from Logan Peterson middle school English teacher to high school English teacher for the 2019-2020 school year



Recognition & Reports
The President will call for recognition and reports as identified on the agenda.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions. 


8. 1.

Financial Reports
Mr. Montgomery reported on the finances.


8. 2.

High School Principal
Mrs. Green reported students third through eleventh grades will be taking the Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress online in April. March 21 will be the STEM festival; Deb Frazee, regional STEM manager, will help set it up. High school will have sessions from 8:30 to 2:00 and middle school will be from 3:30 to 7:30. High school students will register for classes online through JMC this year. Required classes will automatically load and students will chose their electives.


8. 3.

Mr. Stender reported the state approved the 2.06% increase on SSA. Legislature continues to discuss SAVE. Current teaching staff openings have been filled and coaching positions are still open. Handbooks for certified and classified have been reviewed. Administration is researching and discussing transitioning fifth and sixth grade back to self-contained classes similar to elementary classes. Mr. Stender will be meeting with substitute teachers on March 27 to discuss Teachers on Call. Friday is technology summit for professional development. TLC and administration, along with AEA, are working on cohort program for blended and flipped instruction with technology.


8. 4.

SIAC Committee
The SIAC Committee met on February 27. Pulliam reported that Mr. Henely discussed being a targeted school. Testing results and school calendar were also discussed.


8. 5.

Strategic Plan
The strategic plan was updated to reflect the progress of the district goals.


8. 6.

District Goals 2018-2019
District goals have been updated to reflect the progress of the Strategic Plan.


8. 7.

Legislative Platform
The district's priorities are SAVE, SSA (Supplement State Aid), Mental Health, Special Education and Alternative Licensure. Mr. Stender encouraged everyone to contact Representative Dolecheck and Senator Costello concerning SAVE and voucher system.


8. 8.

Board Correspondence
Meyer – Congratulations to Maddie Pulliam and Preston Runyan on bowling and Drew Brown who is H-10 freshman player of the year.



New Business


9. 1.

Consider approving Senior Class trip 
A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Pulliam, to approve the 2019 Senior Class trip.  Motion carried 4-0.


9. 2.

Consider approving purchasing middle school scoreboard and scorers table
A motion was made by Meyer, seconded by Pulliam, to approve the purchase of a new scoreboard and scorers table for the middle school from Daktronics for $8,406.00.  Motion carried 4-0.


9. 3.

Consider approving high school curriculum guide for 2019-2020
A motion was made by Pulliam, seconded by Sunderman, to approve the high school curriculum guide for 2019-2020.  Motion carried 4-0.


9. 4.

Consider approving agreement with Clarinda Community Preschool
A motion was made by Meyer, seconded by Sunderman, to approve the agreement with Clarinda Community Preschool in accordance with state voluntary preschool rules and regulations for 2019-2020.  Motion carried 4-0.


9. 5.

Consider approving PK-12 math curriculum purchase
A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Pulliam, to approve purchasing PK-12 Eureka Math curriculum and training for $62,127.72.  Motion carried 4-0.


9. 6.

Consider approving Technology Service Agreement with Spiral for 2019-2020
A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Pulliam, to approve the Technology Service Agreement with Spiral for the 2019-2020 school year for $34,400 for 100 days of service.  Motion carried 4-0.


9. 7.

Consider approving the proposed 2019-2020 school calendar
The proposed calendar has 176 student days and 15 non-instructional days for a total of 191 teacher contract days. A motion was made by Pulliam, seconded by Meyer, to approve the 2019-2020 calendar. Motion carried 4-0.


9. 8.

Consider approving fiscal year 2018 district audit
A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Meyer, to approve the FY 2018 district audit.  Motion carried 4-0.


9. 9.

Consider setting public hearing on the district's 2019-2020 budget proposal 
A motion was made by Pulliam, seconded by Sunderman, to set April 10, 2019 at 4:00 pm in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the public hearing on the proposed 2019-2020 budget. Motion carried 4-0.


9. 10.

Consider approving procurement cards with Page County State Bank
A motion was made by Pulliam, seconded by Sunderman, to approve the procurement card program with Page County State Bank.  Motion carried 4-0.


9. 11.

Consider approving resolution for Apple Inc. Lease Purchase Agreement
A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Pulliam, to approve the resolution for the Apple Inc. Lease Purchase Agreement.  A roll call vote was taken: Bond – Aye; Meyer – Aye; Pulliam – Aye; Sunderman – Aye. The motion passed on a unanimous vote.


9. 12.

Consider approving Apple Lease-purchase schedule
A motion was made by Meyer, seconded by Sunderman, to approve the Apple Lease purchase agreement with three annual payments of $94,067.46.  Motion carried 4-0.


9. 13.

Consider approving second and final reading of Series 100
A motion was made by Pulliam, seconded by Sunderman, to approve second and final reading of all policies that have been reviewed and presented in 100 series with the exception of 104. Motion carried 4-0.


9. 14.

Consider approving second and final reading of Series 200
A motion was made by Pulliam, seconded by Meyer, to approve second and final reading of all policies that have been reviewed and presented in 200 series. Motion carried 4-0.


9. 15.

Consider approving first reading of Series 900
A motion was made by Meyer, seconded by Sunderman, to approve first reading of all policies that have been reviewed and presented in 900 series. Motion carried 4-0.



Consider approving second and final reading of Policy 401.10 Credit/Procurement Cards



Consider approving first reading of early retirement plan



Meeting Announcements:
Please note the schedule of meetings and contact Mr. Stender with any questions.


12. 1.

Our next regular meeting is on Wednesday, April 10, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. in the Board Room at McKinley



A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Meyer, to adjourn the meeting at 5:15 pm.  Motion carried 4-0.




nmckinnon@clar… Wed, 05/05/2021 - 10:14