2018.10.10 - Regular Meeting Minutes

2018.10.10 - Regular Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Regular Meeting
October 10, 2018

The Board of Directors
Clarinda Community School District


A Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Clarinda Community School District was held Wednesday, October 10, 2018, beginning at 4:00 PM in the McKinley Central Office.



Call to Order
President Jones called the meeting to order at 4:02 pm.



Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.



Roll Call
The following board members were present: President Jones, Vice President Bond, Meyer, Pulliam and Sunderman.



Audience to Visitors
President Jones welcomed all visitors to the meeting.



Approval of Agenda
A motion was made by Bond, seconded by Sunderman, to approve the agenda.  Motion carried 5-0.



Consider Consent Agenda Items
A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Bond, to approve the consent agenda items. Motion carried 5-0.


6. 1.

Approve minutes of the September 10, 2018 regular meeting


6. 2.

Approve minutes of the September 25, 2018 special meeting


6. 3.

Approve minutes of the September 28, 2018 special meeting


6. 4.

Approve Bills
Director Bond reviewed the bills and found them in order.


6. 5.

Approve Financial Reports.


6. 6.

Approve open enrollment requests


6. 7.

Approve classified employee request for leave



Recognition & Reports


7. 1.

Teacher Leadership Team 
Presenting was Cassie Eberly, Colleen Comer and Ken Balster. They discussed the goals of improving student achievement by strengthening instruction; providing professional development (Brian Mendler will be speaking October 26 at a professional development session); establishing new professional opportunities for teachers and monitoring effectiveness and professional development; fully supporting new teachers (Right-Track mentor training and meeting with mentees); and improving recruitment and retention of high quality teachers. It’s working well having a TLC leader in each building; staff and students are responding well.


7. 2.

High School Counselor
Mrs. Almelien discussed college and career readiness. Students create individual student plans which help direct them to elective classes and career paths. The high school created an alumni survey to ask what prepared them for after high school; this will be analyzed yearly.  The high school has started a mentorship program which includes staff to student and student to student.  Mrs. Almelien is looking to expand the job shadowing and incorporating a youth representative on city council. 


7. 3.

Middle School Principal
Mr. Henely stated the MS has nine new staff this school year. Mrs. Comer is TLC leader at MS and is guiding teachers through their Individual Career Development Plans (ICDP). 
Five initiatives being implemented are Instructional Focus (improve student achievement and reduce office referrals), eHallpass (track students who leave during class), PBIS (focus on positive behavior; staff continues to attend training), NWEA MAP Assessments (tracks academic growth) and SWIS (works with PBIS and documenting student behaviors). Building security is working well. Parents and community members are adjusting to entryway doors being locked. Student feedback has been positive about cameras; students have said they feel safer. This is the first year fifth through eighth grade took NWEA MAP tests in reading, math, language arts and science. The results are helping to guide teaching now instead of later.  Next testing will be the first part of December. i-Ready testing was done with fifth and sixth grades in math. Intervention is implemented for students who scored two standard deviations below the national norm; staff is meeting with students for approximately eight weeks for math and seven weeks for reading to help improve skill sets. Student office referrals are down from last year.  Emergency tornado drill and fire drill were done this fall. Leadership teams meet weekly and teams meet daily.


7. 4.

Leadership in all the buildings is going well and strategic planning is moving forward. Mr. Stender and Mrs. Wellhausen attended teacher career fair at NWMSU, where they had several students inquire about student teaching in our district. Due to increased medical needs and reporting, a position for nurse’s assistant/paraprofessional has been opened. Guests from Tamana, Japan toured the schools and attended school events. The annual audit will be the last week in November and should be complete by January.  Mr. Stender and Mr. Montgomery are researching options to increase interest income from district funds and are attending trainings in October. District is working on increasing partnerships with civic groups. Parent-teacher conferences are October 30 and November 1. High school student council will host soup supper both nights; there will be break out sessions on mental health and technology for parents to attend. Mediation with Disability Rights Iowa is November 5.


7. 5.

Strategic Plan
Continuing to implement strategic planning in the district.


7. 6.

District Goals 2018-2019
District is working to achieve the goals.


7. 7.

Board Correspondence
Bond stated she’s excited to see the vision coming alive with the strategic goals. Kudos to administration. 
Jones voiced appreciation for TLC team and their hard work. Meyer has heard concerns from pre-school parents how school’s program will continue to work next year. She encouraged all to continue talking to our legislation about passing SAVE dollars. Pulliam echoed Bond about the strategic goals.



New Business


8. 1.

Consider approving Mr. Porter's out of state attendance at the National Activities Director Convention
A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Bond, to approve the out of state attendance at the national activities director conference San Antonio, Texas for Josh Porter. Motion carried 5-0.


8. 2.

Consider approving partnership with Home Base Iowa
A motion was made by Pulliam, seconded by Meyer, to approve the partnership with Home Base Iowa.  Motion carried 5-0.


8. 3.

Consider amending the November regular board meeting from November 14 to November 12
A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Bond, to approve amending the November regular board meeting from Wednesday, November 14 to Monday, November 12 at 4:00 pm due to the IASB convention. Motion carried 5-0.


8. 4.

Consider approving the suspension of policies 407.6 and 413.6 Early Retirement Options
A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Bond, to approve to offer early retirement this year using current policies.  Motion carried 5-0. 


8. 5.

Consider approving 2018-2019 School Improvement Advisory Committee
A motion was made by Bond, seconded by Meyer, to approve the recommended School Improvement Advisory Committee for the 2018-2019 school year.  Motion carried 5-0.


8. 6.

Consider approving request for modified allowable growth and supplemental aid for FY18 special education deficit
A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Bond, to approve request for Modified Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for FY18 special education deficit. Motion carried 5-0.


8. 7.

Consider approving superintendent contract
A motion was made by Bond, seconded by Pulliam, to approve a one year contract for 2019-2020 for superintendent Stender. Motion carried 3-2: Ayes – Bond, Jones and Pulliam; Nays – Meyer and Sunderman.


8. 8.

Consider approving first reading of the following policies:
A motion was made by Sunderman, seconded by Bond, to approve first reading of all policies listed from 8.8.1 to 8.8.10. Motion carried 5-0.


8. 8. 1.

Consider approving first reading of policy 302.5 Superintendent Evaluation


8. 8. 2.

Approve first reading of policy 502.11 Use of Video Cameras on School Property


8. 8. 3.

Approve first reading of policy 505.5 Graduation Requirements


8. 8. 4.

Consider approving first reading of policy 804.2 District Emergency Operations Plans


8. 8. 5.

Consider approving first reading of policy 505.1 Student Progress Reports and Conferences


8. 8. 6.

Consider approving first reading of policy 602.1 Curriculum Development


8. 8. 7.

Consider approving first reading of policy 604.10 Online Courses


8. 8. 8.

Consider approving first reading of policy 704.3 Investments


8. 8. 9.

Consider approving first reading of policy 710.2 Free or Reduced Price Meals Eligibility


8. 8. 10.

Consider approving first reading of policy 710.4 Meal Changes


8. 9.

Consider approving second reading of the following policies:
A motion was made by Bond, seconded by Sunderman, to approve second reading of policies listed from 8.9.1 to 8.9.27 including amendments of 8.9.8, 502.3 Student Promotion-Retention-Acceleration; 8.9.10, 505.2 Student Promotion-Retention-Acceleration; 604.6 Instruction at a Post-Secondary Institution; and 8.9.12 705.1 Purchasing & Bidding.  Motion carried 5-0.


8. 9. 1.

Consider approving second reading of policy 105 Assistance Animals


8. 9. 2.

Consider approving second reading of policy 200.R1 Organizational Meeting Procedures


8. 9. 3.

Consider approving second reading of policy 201 Board of Directors' Elections


8. 9. 4.

Consider approving second reading of policy 202.3 Term of Office


8. 9. 5.

Consider approving second reading of policy 204 Code of Ethics


8. 9. 6.

Consider approving second reading of policy 210.2 Regular Meeting


8. 9. 7.

Consider approving second reading of policy 210.8E1 Board Meeting Agenda Example


8. 9. 8.

Consider approving second reading of policy 505.2 Student Promotion-Retention-Acceleration


8. 9. 9.

Consider approving second reading of policy 603.2 Summer School Instruction


8. 9. 10.

Consider approving second reading of policy 604.6 Instruction at a Post-Secondary Institution


8. 9. 11.

Consider approving second reading of policy 606.3 Animals in the Classroom


8. 9. 12.

Consider approving second reading of policy 705.1 Purchasing & Bidding


8. 9. 13.

Consider approving second reading of policy 705.1R1 Suspension and Debarment of Vendors and Contractors Procedure


8. 9. 14.

Consider approving second reading of policy 401.7 Employee Travel Compensation


8. 9. 15.

Consider approving second reading of policy 401.9 Employee Political Activity


8. 9. 16.

Consider approving second reading of policy 401.12 Employee Use of Cell Phones


8. 9. 17.

Consider approving second reading of policy 401.13 Staff Technology Use/Social Networking


8. 9. 18.

Consider approving second reading of policy 404 Employee Conduct and Appearance


8. 9. 19.

Consider approving second reading of policy 410.1 Substitute Teachers


8. 9. 20.

Consider approving second reading of policy 502.3 Freedom Expression


8. 9. 21.

Consider approving second reading of policy 502.8 Search and Seizure


8. 9. 22.

Consider approving second reading of policy 502.8R3 use of Dogs to Search School Property


8. 9. 23.

Consider approving second reading of policy 504.5 Student Fundraising


8. 9. 24.

Consider approving second reading of policy 505.7 Commencement


8. 9. 25.

Consider approving second reading of policy 604.3 Program for Talented and Gifted Students


8. 9. 26.

Consider approving second reading of policy 604.4 Program for At-Risk Students


8. 9. 27.

Consider approving second reading of policy 209.6 Review and Revision of Policy


8. 10.

Consider approving third reading of the following policies:
A motion was made by Pulliam, seconded by Meyer, to approve third and final reading of all policies listed from 8.10.1 to 8.10.46. Motion carried 5-0.


8. 10. 1.

Consider approving third reading of policy 302.2 Superintendent Contract and Contract Nonrenewal


8. 10. 2.

Consider approving third reading of policy 303.3 Administrator Contract and Contract Renewal


8. 10. 3.

Consider approving third reading of policy 400 Role of and Guiding Principles for Employees


8. 10. 4.

Consider approving third reading of policy 401.4 Employee Complaints


8. 10. 5.

Consider approving third reading of policy 403.1 Employee Physical Examinations 


8. 10. 6.

Consider approving third reading of policy 405.2 Licensed Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection


8. 10. 7.

Consider approving third reading of policy 405.4 Licensed Employee Continuing Contracts


8. 10. 8.

Consider approving third reading of policy 405.5 Licensed Employee Work Day


8. 10. 9.

Consider approving third reading of policy 405.6 Licensed Employee Assignment


8. 10. 10.

Consider approving third reading of policy 405.7 Licensed Employee Transfers.


8. 10. 11.

Consider approving third reading of policy 405.8 Licensed Employee Evaluation


8. 10. 12.

Consider approving third reading of policy 405.9 Licensed Employee Probationary Status


8. 10. 13.

Consider approving third reading of policy 406.1 Licensed Employee Compensation


8. 10. 14.

Consider approving third reading of policy 406.2 Licensed Employee Salary Schedule Advancement


8. 10. 15.

Consider approving third reading of policy 406.3 Licensed Employee Continued Education Credit


8. 10. 16.

Consider approving third reading of policy 406.4 Licensed Employee Compensation for Extra Duty


8. 10. 17.

Consider approving third reading of policy 406.5 Licensed Employee Group Insurance Benefits


8. 10. 18.

Consider approving third reading of policy 406.6 Licensed Employee Tax Shelter Programs


8. 10. 19.

Consider approving third reading of policy 407.5 Licensed Employee Reduction in Force


8. 10. 20.

Consider approving third reading of policy 408.1 Licensed Employee Professional Development


8. 10. 21.

Consider approving third reading of policy 409.1 Licensed Employee Vacation  Holidays - Personal Leave 


8. 10. 22.

Consider approving third reading of policy 409.2 Licensed Employee Personal Illness Leave


8. 10. 23.

Consider approving third reading of policy 409.3 Licensed Employee Family and Medical Leave


8. 10. 24.

Consider approving third reading of policy 409.4 Licensed Employee Bereavement Leave


8. 10. 25.

Consider approving third reading of policy 409.8 Licensed Employee Unpaid Leave


8. 10. 26.

Consider approving third reading of policy 410.1 Substitute Teachers


8. 10. 27.

Consider approving third reading of policy 411.1 Classified Employee Defined


8. 10. 28.

Consider approving third reading of policy 411.4 Classified Employee Licensing/Certification


8. 10. 29.

Consider approving third reading of policy 412.4 Classified Employee Tax Shelter Programs


8. 10. 30.

Consider approving third reading of policy 414.1 Classified Employee Vacations - Holidays - Personal Leave


8. 10. 31.

Consider approving third reading of policy 414.4 Classified Employee Vacations Bereavement Leave


8. 10. 32.

Consider approving third reading of policy 706.1 Payroll Periods


8. 10. 33.

Consider approving third reading of policy 706.2 Payroll Deductions


8. 10. 34.

Consider approving third reading of policy 507.9 Wellness Policy


8. 10. 35.

Consider approving third reading of policy 506.1 Education Records Access


8. 10. 36.

Consider approving third reading of policy 506.1E1 Request of Nonparent for Examination or Copies of Education Records


8. 10. 37.

Consider approving third reading of policy 506.1E2 Request of Authorization for Release of Education Records


8. 10. 38.

Consider approving third reading of policy 506.1E3 Request for Hearing on Correction of Education Records


8. 10. 39.

Consider approving third reading of policy 506.1E4 Request for Examination of Education Records


8. 10. 40.

Consider approving third reading of policy 506.1E5 Notification of Transfer of Education Records


8. 10. 41.

Consider approving third reading of policy 506.1E6 Letter to Parent Regarding Receipt of a Subpoena


8. 10. 42.

Consider approving third reading of policy 506.1E7 Juvenile Justice Agency Information Sharing Agreement


8. 10. 43.

Consider approving third reading of policy 506.1R1 Use of Education Records Regulation


8. 10. 44.

Consider approving third reading of policy 506.2 Student Directory Information


8. 10. 45.

Consider approving third reading of policy 506.2E1 Authorization for Releasing Student Directory Information


8. 10. 46.

Consider approving third reading of policy 506.2R1 Use of Directory Information



Meeting Announcements:
Please note the schedule of meetings and contact Mr. Stender with any questions.


9. 1.

Working session IASB finance review on Wednesday, October 17, 2018 at 3:30 p.m. in the Board Room at McKinley. Will reschedule due to regional volleyball game that same night.


9. 2.

Working session IASB board development on Wednesday, November 1, 2018 at 3:30 p.m. in the Board Room at McKinley


9. 3.

Our next regular meeting is on Monday, November 12, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. in the Board Room at McKinley (Note this a change due to the IASB convention)


9. 4.

Iowa Association of School Boards 73rd Annual Convention, November 14-16, 2018 at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines



A motion was made by Bond, seconded by Pulliam, to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 pm.  Motion carried 5-0.


nmckinnon@clar… Wed, 05/05/2021 - 09:33